Share your passions: Tell us about your hobbies and interests!

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Share your passions: Tell us about your hobbies and interests!


Hello Hosts! We enjoy getting to know our wonderful community of Hosts and learning about the unique experiences and talents you bring to the table. We would love to know more about your hobbies and interests outside of hosting! 😃


In my spare time, I enjoy baking sweet treats, but more recently I have been dabbling in making savoury pastries 🥐 I love travelling and my dream is to go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef! 🐠 I also have a cat named Nimki and I love watching funny cat videos, if that counts as a hobby? 😹


Do you have a passion, interest, hobby, or skill that you would love to share with others? Whether it's being a culinary master cooking delicious meals 🥘 playing a musical instrument 🎸or anything else, we want to hear about it! 


Let us know in the comments below what hobbies or interests you have, and if there's anything related to your hobbies that you incorporate into your hosting experience 😉 

We look forward to learning more about you! 



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46 Replies 46
Level 2
Västra Götalands län, Sweden

Love the coulors of different tomatoes!


So beautiful! I am tasting with my eyes!

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

The colours are so wonderful 😍thank you for sharing! 



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Top Contributor
Manila, Philippines

Hello @Sophia 


I love doing artworks! 

As a full-time Airbnb host and visual artist, thrives in the dynamic intersection of hospitality and creativity.



Through meticulous attention to detail and a keen eye for design, I ensure that each guest feels welcomed into a world where comfort meets aesthetic delight.



Outside of hosting, I channel my artistic talent into captivating visual creations. Specializing in commissioned artworks,



My dedication to crafting memorable experiences both within our Airbnb spaces and on the canvas. With a commitment to excellence and a boundless creative spirit. Cheers everyone and happy hosting! 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

I love how you blend your creativity with your passion for hosting! @Patricia2526 
Your artwork is incredibly captivating, wow! 😍 Thank you so much for sharing your artwork💖



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Top Contributor
Manila, Philippines

Thank you so much @Sophia 

Top Contributor
Willits, CA


Thanks for this opportunity for sharing!

I'm from a gardening family, and am thrilled that after many long years my own gardens are mature and so satisfying! 

As an avid reader, am seeking a balance between reading online and devouring that stack of books!

I got out of the lifelong habit of travel - thanks to covid - and am itching to do more!

We live in the  vast wilderness of Northern California's coast range mountains. The resident wildlife has decided we are  not a threat and our many trail cameras reveal to us the comings and goings of bears, mountain lions, bobcats, our house herd of deer, foxes, skunks, possums, and the grey squirrel population. A family of foxes and a bobcat live in our garden, efficiently keeping the field mouse population under control.  Hiking the forest to change chips in our cameras is very fun and our guests love to accompany us. During the rainy season we appreciate and identify the fungi in the forest too. 

A  mob of hummingbirds rules the East porch and keeps us busy tending to their demands. We have well worn field guides and well used binoculars for the variety and numbers of the local bird population. 

As a lifelong community volunteer, I'm thrilled to be active in our local Soroptimist club, serving the Community in so many ways. The biggest thrill for me is giving scholarships and awards to deserving women to help support their educational journeys.

It is great fun to read these contributions from others in this community! I'm off to peruse more of them 



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Kitty-and-Creek0 having a garden and looking after it is such a labour of love! Takes a lot of dedication and hard work but it's so rewarding seeing everything blossom 🌻

I'm so jealous I would love to see the comings and goings of local creatures, must be so fascinating 😍

Wow, this is truly inspiring! This is really admirable 💖

Pre-covid I used to volunteer and mentor young disadvantaged kids back at my old high school, they stopped the programme and it didn't resume sadly 😥

Community building is life-long work!



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Level 10
Charleston, SC

@Sophia I grew up on the coast so like everyone else spent a lot of the time outdoors on or in the water, so it was natural for me to try new things and meet new people along the way who share the same interest.

So a few snap shots of a few hobbies along the way.

This was a new friend and his daughter who stayed with me and we went kayak camping, launching from my back yard, and paddled out to an island camping on the beach and finding very old sharks teeth. 





My friend Helen in the pic usually wanted me to go with them when planning for challenging open ocean expeditions as I could assist in rescue people. 


My first trip cross county when I was 18 I took along a windsurfer. In my element while camping with my friends family in Maryland. But I went out so far into the ocean without a lifejacket that the lifeguards told me I couldn't go out anymore, which happened again in California.


But I mostly enjoy paddle boarding now as it's so convenient and I like the workout. 


These actually don't seem like hobbies as all. Just something to do and I'm so used to living on the coast that it seems the same as driving or walking,  and its also a more urban area so the only way to get out into nature is on the water. 

I love going to the mountains that are close by and campgrounds. For this trip I noticed a lake on the map and had my sea kayak with me. I asked if there was anywhere to ride a mountain bike and the host told me the campground was one of the most popular trails in the entire US. Didn't disappoint!  Hence the small tent as we also go kayak camping so everything fits in the hatches. 


Those are a few hobbies. I love reading and more recently cooking. This is a pic of some Indian food I cooked while on this camping trip. Not bad. 


Before covid used to go to a lot of vegan potlucks. We had a great little group who did fun stuff for a while but life is always moving on and adapting, trying new things. 

I'd like to travel more and visit places like India, Tibet, and many more places but in the meantime got a new Kindle so I'm enjoying reading more. I also plan to have more a of theme with any future listings and be in a place during the summers where the sun isn't as strong, and I love cooler climates anyway. 


Guest sometime ask about alligators. This means they are considering sneaking a dog next time.  Only one person got killed by one in our state, a few years ago, she wanted to take a selfie with a monster one out at a gated community. The person she was visiting told her not to that she had seen that gator grab a deer at that exact spot on the bank but the lady decided she wanted a pic touching it. But most people are so afraid of wildlife that is no threat at all, I suppose its no great surprise not everyone is compatible. That's why I'm looking forward to someday promoting more of things I like. A lot of guest also want to see a gator while they visit. 





Wanted add I felt very sorry for the lady who got killed by the alligator, but you see people on youtube who want to touch a bison for a selfie and end up getting trampled all the time.  My last guest also asked if there were any alligators in the marsh out back, and said they thought they heard one, which they didn't as there aren't any, but I knew they were up so something sneaky. After check out I found cigarette butts in the trash bin outside. So they were worried about some alligator and even imagine they heard one, but still smoking cigarettes. It's amazing how detached people are, which is why I want to start promoting more things I like and care about. 

Also in the pic at the vegan potluck I made the cheesecake in the back. 

Don't have a pic of that but here is some super healthy  blueberry and peach muffins and baba ganoush.


Level 10
McHenry, IL

Hi @Sophia 

Love your name!My grand daughter is a Sophia too!

I have my dog Bella and she is just the sweetest! My favorite 'watching sports" are Chicago Bears, Chicago Cubs, and MLS Chicago Fire. I coached recreational soccer for over 11 years. 


I love animals though especially dogs and horses. I love horseback riding and there are so many  state parks and county reserves very close near me where I frequently go riding with my friend. 

I have a passion for walking, hiking, boating, water and snow skiing. Having 450 accessible miles of shoreline 1 block from my house, water sports are easily obtainable. Sadly even though I live just outside of Chicago, the last 3 winter seasons we hardly had any snow. 😞   It looks I will have to travel to get my skiing in!


I LOVE all types of music whether it is listening at home or live a small venue. I have 'retired' from going to the big arena's for concerts. I also am a voracious reader!


I enjoy gardening and have been slowly working towards getting my the majority of plants to be perennials. I can be a daunting hit or miss challenge that I find very rewarding looking at the come backs that are increasing year after year.


I have an extra passionate for NFP's. Take a Vet Fishing and Operation Wild Horse are my tops and am very proud to see how each have grown into successes from the start.


There are so any things that I also enjoy but kept to my best enjoyments.


Love reading everyone's interests. Thank you for asking!

Enjoy your day!


Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Bettye6 awww that's awesome! 💖 I bet she's quite the character 😉 how old is she?

How old is Bella? do share a photo of her if you can here if you can, would love to see! 🐶

I really wished I lived closer to nature and I'm so jealous of those that can enjoy the wonders of nature regularly 🌳

Thank you so so much for sharing!



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Level 2
Johannesburg, South Africa

I enjoy hiking, gyming, wine-tastings; travelling to new places knitting, sewing, writing and lately binge watching K-drama on Netflix.  Am also a foodie so enjoy cooking.  

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Tambu3 my next watch will be a K-Drama, I have a bit of a watchlist actually 😅 what would you recommend to watch 1st? I am also a foodie! I can cook many dishes but prefer to explore different cuisines and try new things 😋 What kind of writing do you do in your spare time? ✍🏽



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Level 2
Aix-les-Bains, France

Hi to you all,
It's a pleasure to join your wonderful community!
My name is Thierry. I've been an Airbnb host for just over a year and I'm happy to be superhost and recently, coup de coeur.
I live in Aix-les-Bains, between French Alps and lakes. I welcome travelers from all over the world to my home.
Passionate about gastronomy since childhood, I took advantage of the confinements to obtain my cookery diploma.
Driven by a solid Mediterranean family culinary culture, I have developed my own cuisine, creative and balanced, between classic, contemporary and fusion inspirations.
As a multi-recidivist entrepreneur, this is another arrow in my atypical quiver 😉
I like to innovate, write, compose and imagine stories... to offer original experiences and new encounters. For the past 3 years, I've been organizing a gourmet rendez-vous, "les bistrologiales". These “Pay What You Want” evenings take place in my home, and are attended by guests who don't know what they're going to eat, or with whom. Dinners between friends who don't yet know each other.
I'm now preparing my next entrepreneurial venture, a cultural and eco-responsible inn that I'd like to anchor in the heart of the historic Loire Valley region.20231220-WA0020.jpg