Share your passions: Tell us about your hobbies and interests!

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Share your passions: Tell us about your hobbies and interests!


Hello Hosts! We enjoy getting to know our wonderful community of Hosts and learning about the unique experiences and talents you bring to the table. We would love to know more about your hobbies and interests outside of hosting! 😃


In my spare time, I enjoy baking sweet treats, but more recently I have been dabbling in making savoury pastries 🥐 I love travelling and my dream is to go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef! 🐠 I also have a cat named Nimki and I love watching funny cat videos, if that counts as a hobby? 😹


Do you have a passion, interest, hobby, or skill that you would love to share with others? Whether it's being a culinary master cooking delicious meals 🥘 playing a musical instrument 🎸or anything else, we want to hear about it! 


Let us know in the comments below what hobbies or interests you have, and if there's anything related to your hobbies that you incorporate into your hosting experience 😉 

We look forward to learning more about you! 



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46 Replies 46
Level 1
Casablanca, Morocco

I love reading, traveling, horse riding, football, swimming, archery, etc

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thank you for sharing @Amine291 😊 I also enjoy swimming and love reading! What is your current read? 📖



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Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Such a lovely topic @Sophia! I enjoy playing football and cycling 🚲  



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Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Sorry if this is long Soph, but you did ask!  I will turn my hand to just about anything. 

I bought this derelict old house, hadn't been lived in for almost 20 years and I have been working on doing it up ever since! This was the rear garden after I mowed the long grass when we bought this place in 2009.....


And here it is now. We do love our garden......



In 2008 I wrote a book. It was a murder mystery and made the best sellers list here for 2 months.



I have played a piano all my life, for the last 30 years have played this digital, because it never goes out of tune and has the touch and feel of a concert grand. 


About the same time I wrote that book I bought out a disc of my music. It didn't set the world on fire but it more than covered it's costs.......



If it stands still around here I will mosaic it. I did a series of interactive plant mosaics...This was one  of an Agapanthus plant......


I had an ugly boundary wall so I covered it with a mosaic apple tree.......


I did a mosaic laying hen for my daughter. Started out drawing my basic shape on a piece of form-board.....


Each day it grew a bit......


And here is the finished product hanging in her outdoor area......


The only thing that defeated me was the egg! You just can't make a mosaic egg so, I went to the local landscape supply yard and said to the guy in the office, "I want a particular white rock if you have one" ! He looked at me like I was mad! I told him why I wanted it and he said to me, "Mate over there in that bin there is 150 ton of river rocks, if you can find the one you want it yours with my compliments"......mission accomplished!


At one stage I thought I would have a go at a portrait painting of myself! I spent hours studying Utube clips of how to paint faces and eyes, skin tones. When I felt confident to have a go at it, this was my subject piece.......

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And this is my rendition of it!



I still get out on my bike and cycle about 180-200 Kms a week.....



And to keep my balance in check, I still skate a bit.......



And in between all of this......I run an Airbnb listing....





Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Echoing @Kitty-and-Creek0 below...WOW! 😮@Robin4 you truly are a man with many talents, how remarkable! I admire that you keep up so many of these hobbies and interests, so cool! 😎an author, artist, musician, cyclist, skateboarder and many more! 
Thank you so so much for sharing these photos and your story! 💖



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Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


I wouldn't get too carried away about it Sophia. What's that old expression....'Jack of all trades, Master of none'!

I can do most things, but I am not really good at anything, except maybe, running my Airbnb.......and looking after Ade.

Caring for a disabled person is an art. You can't just lead your own life, you have to live someones elses as well. The challenges we have had to deal with since she got MS in 1976 are well....... challenging!

She lost her sight a couple of times! Once an attack would pass she regained most of it, but when you have to wipe your partners backside when they go to the toilet you seriously wonder how much more personal dignity one has to actually lose in life!

Because her legs no longer work, every outing has to planned like a military campaign. But we have weathered it well. It's taught me not to sweat the small stuff.....if there's a few clothes lying around in the changeroom, some dishes in the sink, the jars all over the place in the spice rack, so be it! There is too many obstacles in life to be overcome to worry about whether everything is a as neat as a pin! Take us as you find us is my motto!


But thanks for your kind comments Soph, I am turning 80 this year and comments like that are the great motivation I need to keep being as active as I can be.





We are 74 and 77 years of age, and dealing with the process of becoming bionic. So far, no chronic illness situations such as what you are dealing with. Thanks for sharing! We send you our warm greetings from  Northern California. Kitty


I so love your garden!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Thanks Kitty, yesterday (Good Friday)  I got my first Easter Egg for the season.....


To backtrack, when we bought this house the rear veranda was supported with metal posts....


Trying to take a short cut rather than remove them and replace with proper timber posts I clad them with timber to give a timber look......



I got rid of the ugly rainwater tank


And replaced it with a BBQ area......


This started my fetish for mosaics! I was two tiles short to complete this area so I smashed up the remaining cut tile pieces and made a couple of mosaic tiles out of the bits to complete the job!


Over the past 13 years those posts have started to look a bit the worse for wear....


So my Easter project is to rejuvenate these posts and replace the feet.....


And this is how they are ending up.....



And in the process of working through the glory vine and all the solar lighting so incoming guests have plenty of light......


I came across my first Easter Egg for this season!




Happy Easter all.



I am so trying to get my back yard to look as lush as your. Absolutely stunning!


Host Advisory Board Member
Adelaide, Australia

What a great egg you got

Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Robin4 I  have had the pleasure of meeting you. But I wonder if you stand still.

Take care thinking of you

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Laurelle, I don't stand still if I can help it!! Every day is a challenge for me.

Up until the age of 60 I always felt, time was on my side! My reaction was..."that's ok I've got plenty of time to do that"! Then when I turned 70 I grudgingly had to admit, it wasn't!!

We were having a conversation at Meals on Wheels one morning about aging and I said...."I would love to think I have got 20 years left in me. The law of averages says I haven't, that would put me in my 90's. But whether I do or I don't, that's up to God , or whoever you believe in. But one thing I know for sure......I have gone over the top physically, the next 20 years are not going to be as good as the last 20 were!"

And for me that's incredibly hard to accept.

Here l am turning 80 in a couple of months and there is still so much I want to achieve.

Next year I am going to be in your part of the world  to take part in the Huskisson Triathlon with my my daughter in law, Lisa! She competes every year and next year I am joining her. I just hope I don't hold her back!

The thing that is stirring me on Laurelle, last year I watched the completion of the Cairns Ironman, and the last competitor to finish before the official cut-off time of 11 pm was an 80 year old......and my immediate reaction was, 'I could do that'!

But then I thought about it and realised, that would be a physical impossibility! I could handle the bike leg easy.....120 Kms, I do almost double that every week. The 48 Km run would be a stretch but I don't think it would be beyond me. But the 20Km swim leg.....nah, I am not a swimmer, absolutely no way that would be possible for me!

But the triathlon is realistic for me. The 'Classic' categories are, 1Km swim, 60Km bike leg and a 10Km run. I am going to spend a bit of time in the pool this year and try to build my swimming capacity up a bit.


Ade has just had 3 weeks over with the family, but I had  too much on my plate here with hosting and helping friends build their studio on Kangaroo Island .......

Chris B.jpg

Although they are a lot younger than me, they are academics and didn't feel comfortable working at heights, so I had to do all the roof work!

Chris F.jpg


We are both coming over again in May, but I am flying with Ade this time and won't have a car with us, but I hope we can catch again later in the year.

I will look forward to getting together with you and Alex are a wonderful couple and  a part of Airbnb's original dream.


The Airbnb community here is also wonderful to be a part of. There is over 1,000 in our local group. I get together with our local moderator, @Sarah5000 frequently. Sarah is also our current Host Advisory Board representative, and as well as being an exceptional host she really pours her heart and soul into running our Airbnb group here.

Here she is on my left with a fellow local host Marg, on a recent visit here for a coffee and a catch-up.

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All the best to you and Alex, Laurelle, hope we meet again soon.

