I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
I was reviewing my calendar to check on my six month's out settings. I discovered that my listing had been suspended!
There was NO CONTACT from Airbnb and NO information at all! How could I be a Super Host with many compliments one minute and then have my listing suspended the next?
The last renter had brought an extra guest, against my rules and above the maximum number listed on the Airbnb website. I asked her to pay the extra guest fee. Did she complain???
No one in the host support center, including the support people's supervisor, can access my account now because it's locked. No one will chat with me, no one will call me.
One topic in the help center says that my current reservations will still happen, but another help topic says that all future reservations will be cancelled. I have a new reservation two days from now. Do I get the cabin ready for them? Are they being told that they may not come and their money will be refunded??
I have always praised Airbnb for the positive vibes, especially when compared to their competitor. I have put lots of extra love and energy into each guest's stay.
And now this..........
Colleen253, thank you so much! At least it's a little comforting.
So they won't even tell me if my next guest will be cancelled or not?
@Sue1797 @Sophie1790 I know these post are a month old but I was wondering what the outcome was as I’m living the exact same nightmare now. We’ve been suspended because a guest complained of a camera at our doorbell. He only complained when he was asked to pay for the thousands in damage he caused to our house. It’s since come out that he started an Edd scam using our address and has to collected hundreds of thousand in pandemic relief using fake names. Without our knowledge the doorbell camera captured every trip he made to our mailbox and the police as well as the department of justice are actively looking for him now. Yet Airbnb have suspended my account and won’t remove is review that is all lies! You couldn’t make this stuff up!
@Laura4076 Just read his review and your reply. Kinda scary how it is for a guest to mess with hosts... Hopefully you get your listing back online quickly.
@Olivier906 this forum is full of people with similar experiences all who have been completely let down by Airbnb. As @barry346 says it’s basically guilty until proven innocent when it comes to guest make accusations against host. You should read his story he’s a super host with hundreds of 5 stars reviews and he to has been suspended. It’s shocking!
I would sign a class action lawsuit against airbnb if someone gathered the resources and people that would be necessary to do it. They completely banned my wife's account for absolutely no reason and have kept us completely in the dark about it. Airbnb is a joke ran by a joke named Brian. This is exactly why you must find other means necessary such as furnished finder or vrbo and use their platforms if this ever happens. We've been blessed to not lose any business b/c of those other platforms but it can be scary to see how much power airbnb can make you feel they have when in actuality they aren't **bleep**.
Oh my gosh I’m so glad to be reading this message from you the exact same thing happened to me is happening to me as we speak. I have no idea what to do if you have any advice I am all ears please help
Same here HELP,
it’s been over 24 hours that my account has been suspended WITHOUT any notice or explanation.
I’m a superhost with 2 successful listings and an rating of 4.8
When calling the help line they say they can’t see what it is due to but that another team is on it and that I will be contacted by email : BUT NOTHING, whereas I receive other Airbnb notification so it is not a problem with my email.
I am at lost. My whole income is based on this activity and I’m a single mum!!!
if anyone has an idea how to reach Airbnb or any other suggestions,
Please let me know if any of you had there problem resolved
Its been 3 days since I chatted and called Customer Service. Nada. I can't even get a explanation as to why my account is suspended.
Yes, listing is suspended (but produces strange error as @Brian2036 mentioned , have not seen this before). But your account is still active: https://www.airbnb.com/users/show/14224202
I tried to look at your listing and received this message:
Permission denied by Himeji for id U3RheUxpc3Rpbmc6MzA4NTQxMTg=, entity type: LISTING, entity part ANY, access level: READ
This is meaningless to me.
Hi @Emiel1 ,
Don’t despair, and keep insisting still:
it’s I think nearly always a complaint from the person that last stayed before the suspension: in my case the guest was paranoid and told Airbnb he thought I had gone in his apartment in the evening and had sprayed perfume: ludicrous: I live at a 30 min drive from the apartment, and am a single mum to a young child: I have other things to do in the evenings then to drive 1 hour back and forth to the appartement to spray perfume while my guests are away!!
Luckily once I finally spoke to someone from the suspension team they must have believed me since they stopped the suspension 6 hours later: of course no compensations for the lost potentiometer reservation I have missed during those 4 days and I have been a superhost since 5 years.
Hang in there and insist on being called back ASAP: not that I know if the insisting helped but it was just too hard not knowing at all. I asked the person who called me to know why it had taken so long for them to reach me and if they were understaffed in their department but she answered it was protocol: very peculiar if you ask me. Why do they think it will make us better hosts to be put through this tremendous stress I don’t know…
I wish we could start an action to call out this practice so they understand we don’t approuve.
Keep us posted how it goes.
Ah, yes; the old “protocol” excuse.
I wonder if the CS rep can define the word.
I assume the meaning in this case is something like: “It’s our standard policy to do as little as possible about host complaints in order to discourage them from complaining.”