Hello Rebecca and the Community Team,Thank you for the warm ...
Hello Rebecca and the Community Team,Thank you for the warm welcome! I’m excited to be part of this community.I’m the host o...
Hi, I have a doubt about the following programme: Superhost Relief Fund
All the superhosts with the requirements required (almost one year with the superhost title, no more than 2 announcements under the same profile, profile with identity verified) will receive the invitation to apply to the programme or a previous selection will be done?
I think that generaly every host and superhost of houses and of experiences is very affected by this situation and potentially everyone could have reasons to access the fund. But cannot satisfy everyone and I think it is mainly used as propaganda and there is not transparency aboutthe criterias for access to the fund. Initially it was said that the requirements to compete are verified identity, not more than two ads and to be superhost for at least a year (really they specified at least four times and it was not necessary to be consecutive). In this way they created many expectations and then now they send invitations to super hosts with at least 3/4 years of status. It may be a criterion but it was better that they said that it is a fund for longtime superhost and not for superhost with more needs; how do they determine that a 3/4 year old superhost needs more than a 1/2 year old superhost if they don't even invite him? For this reason I think that this fund will not be assigned with real criteria of necessity and will be used above all as propaganda and advertising.
Sorry for my bad English, I hope I made myself understood.
I think that generaly every host and superhost of houses and of experiences is very affected by this situation and potentially everyone could have reasons to access the fund. But cannot satisfy everyone and I think it is mainly used as propaganda and there is not transparency aboutthe criterias for access to the fund. Initially it was said that the requirements to compete are verified identity, not more than two ads and to be superhost for at least a year (really they specified at least four times and it was not necessary to be consecutive). In this way they created many expectations and then now they send invitations to super hosts with at least 3/4 years of status. It may be a criterion but it was better that they said that it is a fund for longtime superhost and not for superhost with more needs; how do they determine that a 3/4 year old superhost needs more than a 1/2 year old superhost if they don't even invite him? For this reason I think that this fund will not be assigned with real criteria of necessity and will be used above all as propaganda and advertising.
Sorry for my bad English, I hope I made myself understood.
Airbnb are a bunch of crooks as simple as that!! I'm a superhost and I'm eligible to all the criteria but still wasn't being chosed for the relief program. How do they choose specific hosts for that program when they don't even have the amount of expenses that we have??
I might have more rents and mortgages payements than someone who was being selected for the relief program. Finally, when I called several times to be informed about the program, I got misinformed and I've been told false claims by one of their supervisors. That's why I decided enough is enough and I'm placing a lawsuit against Airbnb!!
@Airbnb shame on you! In the beginning of the pandemic, this company announced a supposedly relief for Superhosts. I have reached out several times throughout the last 3 months trying to figure out when the invitations were going to be sent.
Agents kept telling me to have patience and every one of them ensured that I would get an invite. The deadline to apply was May 31 and no invitation was sent. Finally today, I was able to speak to a “supervisor” about this matter. She sent me an article pointing out the qualifications for the relief, in which I comply to every single criteria; When I questioned why I was not invited, she totally made something up and said that in order to make a determination on the significant loss of income, they are ONLY considering the first quarter of 2019. Are you kidding me?
The “coincidence” is that the first few months of 2019 is the only period that I did not have an income through Airbnb.
I CALL IT A PUBLICITY STUNT AND A FRAUD! How can an employee create a policy over the phone to deny eligibility? There is nowhere in the article or nowhere on the website that support her claim. Shame on Airbnb!
@Ute42 yes, I believe @Sarah977 is right. It's been mentioned many times that the fund is for Superhosts and also Experience hosts.
I am not sure if the goalposts keep shifting regarding the Superhosts, or it's simply that they keep releasing a tiny (minimum) amount of further detail on this as so many hosts are begging for more information. I have given up, quite frankly.
Firstly, I thought I didn't qualify because I had three rooms listed, albeit in my own home and only property, which I thought unfair. Then @Sarah977 alerted me to the update where it said that hosts with more than two listings in their own homes did qualify after all. Now, they say the focus is on those who have been Superhosts for four or more years (for me it's around two) which I have less truck with as it seems a fairer way to narrow down the selection. It's all still a bit cloak and dagger though.
What do they mean by the greatest loss of income? Is that the percentage of income lost or the actual amount, because $1,000 in a wealthy country is very different to $1,000 in a developing country?
Hiya @Moreno-and-Stefania0 ,
I believe Lizzie has answered you on another thread but I'll share some more information for the benefit of everyone here.
How do invites work?
We started sending out invites in mid-April and we will be sending them weekly through Mid-May to eligible hosts around the world. We’re prioritising invitations based on a number of factors, including how long people have been a Superhost and how significantly their earnings have been impacted due to COVID-19. That means, most invitations so far have gone to people who have been Superhosts for 4+ years. All invites will be sent by mid-May, and if you’re invited to apply, you’ll get an email with a link to the application.
A specialised team is reviewing every application and keeping hosts' information discreet. Everyone who applies will get a response within 2 weeks, and grants will range from $1,000 to $5,000.
This means there is still a few weeks of us sending out the invite for the relief grant so don't worry if you have not received it just yet.
Every time I try to post it says error what is happening
I am a Superhost of 4 plus years
and hope I get an invite to the relief fund. I remember a while a go filling in a survey air b n b sent out. One of the questions was would you struggle to pay your mortgage without air b n b
My answer was Yes. Since splitting up with my ex husband rely heavily on the money to pay my mortgage. Perhaps the selectors could refer back to that survey to determine need. As the days pass I am doubtful I will receive any relief. I’m only a small host with rooms in my own house but it’s going to be a struggle with no help
@Stephanie Being Superhost for five years and a half IN A ROW and haven’t been invited... Absolutely sad and dissapointed
I have been a Superhost for 6 years in a row with no breaks in Superhost status and I lost tens of thousands and I was not invited to the relief fund. Sadly looking to stop hosting all together as I still am not getting bookings because of Covid. It was fun while it lasted. Good luck to you all.
Forget superhost relief I've received a tiny percentage of the 25 percent assistance. If its merely an Airbnb private relief program i suppose they can do with their $250 million assuming it's paid out to hosts as they wish even if unethical. If ithe funding is the result of government assistance to airbnb meant to support hosts well I m not receiving anything near the promise, paltry.
I have questions, and there's no one to ask. Hopefully my situation is an isolated error otherwise I'm guessing im not alone. Promise so far broken and no one to to address too at Airbnb. For me anyway the promise was hope and the delivery tragic and shameful. Hopefully it's an error. Bothered that the goodwill PR message is Airbnb is here for hosts. I've hosted well over 500 guests as a superhost consistently. For now Airbnb isn't here for me and further so far the pledge far from honored.
PR or sincerity? What is going on? Any answer from Airbnb sincerely appreciated. Please contact me.
I've been trying to answer the above question but keep getting a message saying "an unexpected error has occurred" after pressing the red reply button. I'm posting this out of curiosity - not mentioning the things that I discussed in my original reply - to see if the Airbnb algorithms are censoring critical replies on this topic.
Hmm yes it does appear (unless it's just a remarkable coincidence) that my reply is being blocked - perhaps because of certain keywords contained in the reply. I will try to redraft my reply using different words and see if I can post that.
@Ephraim0 in New York: I’m a superhost who qualified for a grant. I have two rooms which run at average 75% occupancy. I lost all my revenue because of cancellations due to quarantine lockdowns. I received 25% compensation on one reservation (about $25). All the others were rejected because “Not Applicable. Separate Policy Applies” but nobody could tell me what that “separate policy” was. So yes, I think it was a PR stunt.
Hi there @David1747, thanks for sharing. Looking at the error message you received, it does indeed seem something has been going on with the system. Just to clarify, replies won't be blocked here on the community. You can post anything so long as it is in line with our community guidelines.