Third party booking hassles

Level 2
Berkeley, CA

Third party booking hassles

Hi Airbnb community,


Consider a hassling scenario: 

If neither the host nor the reserver know about the 3rd party rules and the host agreed to a third party booking (someone booking for their family), then  who should take responsibility for the damage to the property AND the inconvenience to the actual tenant due to the trouble that the host cannot reach out to the actual tenant?


Thank you!





2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom



The host would be liable for any damage/removing guests  if you knowingly accepted at third party booking . (Airbnb make it clear 3rd party bookings are against their T&C). 


why can the person who booked not contact the person staying? Why can't you as the host go the listing ? How do you know the listing has been damaged? 

difficult to advise when you've provided only half the story 😁



Level 10
Lusby, MD

@Ted403 The host should know about the third-party rule. It’s in the TOC. So feigning ignorance does not, and will not, hold mustard.


So I believe host is responsible for any damage to their place by a non-registered guest. And if the guest was a family friend, why wasn’t the guest able to get in touch with the family friend regarding any problems. So, the inconvenience of the guest may be a non-issue as far as airbnb is concerned but I’m not 100% sure.


It’s very important to be registered on airbnb for transparency and trust for all guests and hosts. It only takes about 10 minutes to signup so it behooves me that anyone would take a chance of third-party bookings if you’re not a business booking for its employees.