This is going to be a long stay, even tho it's only a three-dayer

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

This is going to be a long stay, even tho it's only a three-dayer

Two young guests have just arrived. I knew they arrived because they messaged me, not because they rang the doorbell (which is plain to see). 
My usual (brief) show-around was pretty much ignored and their body language said 'leave us'. I did so after pointing out the room manual (with WiFi code etc.) and being sure they knew how to operate my locks. The brand (Banham) is particular to London and a little different, so I always check. "Yes, we know how to use it" came the stern response.

Seven minutes later two-word message arrives in my inbox: "WiFi code?".
Followed by another message (three minutes after I answered the previous question): "Need bottled water and more toilet paper".
Then, as they're leaving, an almighty racket. Another message: "Lock broken, can't get out".
The lock wasn't broken. 'Operator error'.

All of this within 20 minutes of arrival. 

It's going to be a long weekend. 


Screenshot 2020-02-22 at 12.06.34.png

43 Replies 43
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

They got a big fat 'no', I wouldn't host again and I am sure future hosts will get the message. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



What message do you think future Hosts will get? 


Non IB hosts will only have your Review to go on and it's not particularly off putting.


Other than warning to be cautious about this Guests leaving front door open, which one may well pick up on and emphasize to her during enquiry; your Review clearly does not reflect the full gamut of  your complaints in Host Circle to a very limited audience.


 If I need to write a critical review I don't hold back. Non of this 'brief', 'professional', 'diplomacy' stuff.


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Would you accept a guest who left the door open when leaving, @Alon1? I wouldn't. Not 'off putting' to you?

I also scored her accordingly (and said I wouldn't host again) which will see her overall rating severely dented. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Thanks for reply.


As mentioned as non IB Host, I've never seen a single score, and accordingly don't consider it a hindrance. It's all about the Reviews if prospective Guest has any, and more so vetting process to my satisfaction.


Thus as mentioned in view of your Review  I would address the issue of the open door during Enquiry or Reservation Request. -- Still, my building has 2 doors, door to building and door to flat. I've never experienced anyone leaving both doors open, and so the chances of anyone doing it are highly unlikely. Moreover, I don't have locks to the bedrooms.


Yet, if your Review had mentioned what you experienced within  '20 minutes of arrival'., especially the disregard for your introduction and their  body language 'leave us alone', 

followed by the persistent noise & leaving lights on, I would not have accepted such persons to make a booking. 

  Indeed, as a live-in host, the single thing that irritates me most is the impersonal response which I've experienced very occasionally, and can't wait for such guests to depart.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



The summary question, having read a few Hosts responses, would you have written this Review differently? 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

All things considered, @Alon1, and the fact I've just seen they've stained the duvet cover with makeup, or worse, yes. But hindsight is a wonderful thing, right?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Indeed it is. However, you're as experienced as they come.


After a similar time span, if I need to write a critical review, I don't hold back on anything, taking into consideration the variables; i.e. that many hosts are not IB and so can't see Ratings; and that I don't know if the prospective host is a live-in or not. (Thus unfriendly body language & impersonal responses, the 'leave me alone' syndrome, along with slamming doors & other noises would be significant factors for live-ins, but perhaps not for absentee hosts; though all hosts are likely concerned with lights on and with it waste of energy & unwanted bills)


All that before the coup de grâce of front door left open on departure. An open invitation to all! 

@Gordon0 Can you see if a guest got a "no, would not host again?"

@Emilia42  @Gordon0 

Does a guest get to see that a host wouldn't host them again? At places we've stayed at I don't recall seeing that we would be hosted again - or otherwise. 


Such a fundamental element in staying as a guest would be to know that you would be welcome back or that you made yourself unwelcome.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I'd hope so, @Emilia42, even if it means she can't IB again? The fact I scored her low should also mean this is visible for future hosts as she's only had three reviews. 

@Gordon0 As a non-IB host, like Alon, I can't see star ratings for guests. We rely on what other hosts have written in their reviews, and one thing I'd want to know, as a home-share host who shares my kitchen with guests, is whether the guests were friendly, or wanted nothing to do with the host. Leaving the door open wouldn't be any issue for me, as I'm always here when guests check-out.  I drive most of them to the bus station.

@Gordon0 When you’re asked if you’d host a guest again there is a note above the question advising that no-one will see your answer. I’m not sure what the point of this question is then but anyway - unless you write in your review that you’d not host again no-one will know.

Level 10
Toronto, Canada

Wow @Gordon0 , bottom line is - it’s over. I sympathize with you ... sometimes there are doughnuts using ABNB. Believe it or not I am very strict. I make sure my rules are firm and respected. I do not allow a disrespectful person to stay at my place. I say “my home - my rules” ! And I am always in their face about their stay, making sure my home is comfortable for the guest and me, since I live here too. I like to offer the occasional meal (breakfast or something) just to keep an eye on their behaviour if needed. Most people are kind though and don’t need supervision. Since  life is not perfect, enjoy your drink  🙂 Best of luck in the future.

Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom


As a non-IB host, like Alon, I can't see star ratings for guests. We rely on what other hosts have written in their reviews,


Good point. More clarity is required in the reviews hosts provide. More of the star ratings given need to make their way into the written review in this case.