UKRAINE geting Airbnb payment money to hosts IMMEDIATLY. Waive existing policys.

UKRAINE geting Airbnb payment money to hosts IMMEDIATLY. Waive existing policys.

I am hoping that the message I sent to Catherine Powell will be answered shortly by her or her team.

If not I am appealing to anyone else on the site who can get through to management to make this happen.


Time is of the essence!!!!


Hi Catherine


This Shaun Carcary, I am not sure if you have seen the national TV interviews I have done recently, including FOX and Friends Monday morning.


I have made bookings through Airbnb trying help the folks in Ukraine and I am in constant contact with most of them.


It appears as if the funds are only being paid over at check in as per normal policies. Can Airbnb please make an acceptation and get them paid asap. I have had hosts requesting date changes in order to get paid sooner?


These folks have so much to deal with  and waiting for money from Airbnb should not be one of the additional issues they have to deal with.


Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.


Regards Shaun Carcary

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Montreal, Canada

