Ukraine is

Level 1
Kiev, Ukraine

Ukraine is

On behalf of Ukrainians I would like to say some words of gratitude to the community of Airbnb who supports survivors from my country as well as my family with donations, hosting and simple words of empathy.


When this cruel and useless war is over we wish that every riuned by russists acr of our country is recovered because


Ukraine is:











Me, my family and my relatives had to leave our homes. Together with my small daughter, husband and a dog we went to the Western part of Ukraine. We stay here already for more than a month and don't know when we can go back like many other people.


To be honest, I thought that my dark times started when my mom died. It happened unexpectedly several months ago on Christmas due to Coronavirus complications. I thought it is the worst that can happen to me, but I was wrong. We are going through even more darker times but we do believe that we will break through.


With your donations we can survive and share it with our friends and relatives as well.


Thank you for helping us!

1 Reply 1
Level 1
Yuzhne, Ukraine

Добрый день! Мирного неба!! Я также хотел выразить слова благодарности, тем кто поддержал и поддерживает нас в трудную минуту. Обычный уклад жизни в один момент перестал существовать, все что было нам дорого и то к чему мы привыкли, перестало быть((( 

Еще раз благодарю всех кто поддерживает нас в это тяжелое время!!!


Good afternoon! Peaceful sky!! I also wanted to express my gratitude to those who supported and continue to support us in difficult times. The usual way of life at one moment ceased to exist, everything that was dear to us and what we were used to ceased to be ((( 

Thanks again to everyone who is supporting us during this difficult time!