
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

War in UKRAINE 2022! Thanks for helping Airbnb

Level 2
Kharkiv, Ukraine

War in UKRAINE 2022! Thanks for helping Airbnb

Dear members of the AIRBNB community, thank you for helping Ukrainians during this difficult period of the war. 🙏 Many Ukrainians were forced to leave the country, but many stayed, thank you again. If anyone wants to help book my accommodation in Kharkov, I will be very grateful. I hope after the war we will meet at my house in the beautiful city of Kharkov. Rest assured, we will rebuild everything and everything will look even better!
Thanks so much!

21 Replies 21

@Andrii23 @Роман19  Oh yes, I totally understand that there are no actual democratic elections in Russia. What I meant about the 4 years in the US to vote someone out was just to point out that if a party or leader is in power, it is very difficult for individuals who oppose the govt. to affect change, and obviously that is the case in Russia and has been for ages.


As for the Facebook comments, thanks for that link- of course it  didn't translate very well, like all online translations, but I could understand most of it and it was interesting to read.


Although I have no way of knowing if that show was really fake, or the intricacies of how it would benefit Russia, I take online social media comments with a grain of salt,  because there are always disbelievers who are ready to call anything fake that doesn't agree with their preconceived notions. 


We saw and continue to see plenty of that in the Western world with people on social media denying the existence of Covid, the supposed danger of vaccines, that the 2020 US election was a fraud, etc. 


If as some of those commenters were saying, that it was designed to somehow show that Russians who disagree with the war are  suffering just like the Ukranians are, I certainly wouldn't think that.


Risking going to jail is obviously not anywhere near the level of suffering of being invaded, bombed and killed, so if the intent was to make the rest of the world think that Russians are suffering like the Ukranians are, that isn't going to work. We aren't that stupid.

I Just rewrite UA-comment  under this new (longread):


I hope u can translate.


I totally agree it opinion.

@Sarah977  that's what I meant. In order to understand the issue, please translate text of the link and read


@Роман19 Дякую за це посилання на facebook :raised_fist:

Не скажу добрый вечер!


Меня зовут Владимир Дятлов, Одесса.

Я не планировал сдавать свою квартиру в наем. У меня есть/был свой успешный бизнес. Разместил объявление с целью привлечения дополнительных средств для борьбы с "русским (мать его...) кораблем".

Вторую неделю мое объявление не публикуют! Созванивался со мной Марат суперхозяин. Сказал, что-то типа информация обрабатывается, не переживайте, скоро объявление опубликуется! Теперь я понимаю, что это был явный обман! На сайте прочитал, что нельзя публиковать объявления с целью пожертвований! 

Мне не нужны пожертвования!!! Мне-Украине, а я и есть часть Украины (теория римского государства и права: два необходимых и достаточных признака, определяющих понятие государство - "наличие народа и территории". Я первый признак: Я часть народа, проживающего на этой территории) нужна помощь.

Отвечу за себя:

- неделя тому назад - 15000 грн, лекарства на передовую ;

- вчера - 10000 грн, бронепластины на блокпост.

Моей матери Дятловой Лизе 70 лет. Она отказалась уезжать из страны, осталась плести маскировочные сетки (преподаватель высшей математики).

Каждую ночь я добровольно на своем автомобиле  патрулирую с сотрудниками полиции улицы города.

Реально не хватает средств на средства защиты, топливо, средства связи, постоянный мелкий ремонт авто.

Я как и каждый сознательный гражданин помогаю защитить свою страну от монстра, тренирующего весь мир. Делаю маленькую работу...

В одном из сообщений прочитал, что нам посылают свои силы и любовь. Низкий поклон).

Я уверен, что "запрет на пожертвования" установлен руководством airbnb. 

Простите, что я стучусь в ваши закрытые двери, нарушаю ваши правила, возможно мешаю вам вести ваш успешный бизнес.

Я офицер в отставке. Мне стыдно просить для себя, я прошу для тех, кого ещё можно защитить.


С уважением, Дятлов Владимир.




I won't say good evening!


My name is Vladimir Dyatlov, Odessa.

I didn't plan to rent out my apartment. I have/had my own successful business. He posted an ad in order to raise additional funds to fight the "Russian (f*** it ...) ship."

The second week my ad is not published! Marat the Superhost called me. He said that something like information is being processed, do not worry, the announcement will be published soon! Now I understand that it was a clear deception! I read on the site that you can not publish ads for the purpose of donations!

I don't need donations!!! I am Ukraine, and I am part of Ukraine (the theory of the Roman state and law: two necessary and sufficient features that define the concept of the state - "the presence of a people and territory." I am the first sign: I am part of the people living in this territory) need help.

I will answer for myself:

- a week ago - UAH 15,000, medicines for the front line;

- yesterday - 10,000 UAH, armored plates at the checkpoint.

My mother Dyatlova Liza is 70 years old. She refused to leave the country, she remained to weave camouflage nets (a teacher of higher mathematics).

Every night I voluntarily patrol the streets of the city in my car with the police.

In reality, there is not enough money for protective equipment, fuel, communications equipment, constant minor car repairs.

I, like every conscious citizen, help protect my country from the monster that trains the whole world. I'm doing a little work...

In one of the messages I read that they send us their strength and love. low bow).

I'm sure airbnb's "no donations" are in place.

Forgive me for knocking on your closed doors, breaking your rules, possibly getting in the way of your successful business.

I am a retired officer. I am ashamed to ask for myself, I ask for those who can still be protected.


Sincerely, Vladimir Dyatlov.



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