What is the point?

Level 10
New York, NY

What is the point?

The hated dashboard has yet another annoying issue:  old booking requests.  Until recently, only one or two that hadn't been superseded by dates hung out there.  Now there are booking requests going back to 2015 strung along in a row.


Click on the question mark and it says you can get rid of them by archiving them.  Obvi did that with every single one of them, because I apparently have nothing better to do.  But it didn't make them go away.  Here they are - the first few, anyway.  There's an arrow to the right that brings me to every unarchived booking request I've ever gotten.


Screen Shot 2021-02-26 at 3.53.09 PM.png



33 Replies 33
Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hello again   @Dale711 

I think your opinion is important. However, I have to say I disagree with you.

I think this topic is not about instructing other seasoned hosts on what do to manage their listings. 

It is about annoying issues and distractions on the dashboard.

One of the purposes of this community is to give feedback. 

I understand you are happy with the dashboard.

However other users has the right to like or dislike some features.

Sorry for not agreeing with you.









Level 10
New York, NY

@J-Renato0  Thank you for clarifying the point of this post so well.


@Dale711  Thank you for the big laugh first thing on a Sunday morning.  Not at you!  But at the thought that I would go back to inquiries from 2015 and pre-approve them.  It amused me.


As @J-Renato0 points out, everyone on this thread is a seasoned host.  Every one of those inquiries got a response.  I understand that more recent inquiries that haven't been resolved might appear there.  But finding all the "not possible" inquiries from the past six years is not useful, and therefore annoying.  More annoying after I went through all of them and archived them, and they came back.


Something has been re-set now, though, because I checked this morning and they are all gone.  "You're all caught up!"  I KNOW.  But thank you to anyone who fixed this issue.


I long ago stopped pre-approving anyone.  It rarely led anywhere and just made me look too eager to make a booking.  And that's a bad position to be in when trying to close a sale.


Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom


Aha... my first occasion to take an interest in using the 'archive button'. Thanks for that. God I was so upset by the unannounced changes to the dashboard. And yes now you mention it those failed booking attempts eg the guy wanting to book my 'women-only' space checking it would be ok to bring his partner who is very loud in the bedroom dept at night....!! Yay I can dump into the archive spot.

I thought I was being a weed as I seemed to lack the mental flexibilty to adjust immediately....! I think someone else already suggested this .. but we need accountability before unilateral changes are made to our primary provision. I mean its pretty rude to just sweep in and knock it all around. xx

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

"You're not supposed to say nice things around here lol...!!"  Haha!! Well I'm irrepressable!!!

I really like to express appreciation and gratitude is a great karmic facilitator. So I'll be standing up to the bullies who prefer to neg on others!! I think its sad that folk don't perceive how they come across and that includes me.. Kind feed back always welcome!

Thank you so much for the intro to @Tara-Bunch . It is so great that you are acquainted with this inspirational person. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to extend recognition to her. Tara if you are the person behind the recent changes at the chat response  then I would very much like to thank you for what you are doing. You have turned things around. I try not to make demands but I also like to work on getting things right and so offered some feedback about something. I forget what. After an unexpectedly swift response I was redirected. I left my enquiry til the next day to check back as I do prefer to wait for a quality response and there it was..... 100% satisfaction. Thank you again.


@Ann72 I think the time I had a problem may have corresponded with the 'farming out' that you mention.