@Michael5314 An interesting second rant - Not sure what relevance the fee is but I think it is 3% host, 14.2% guest so a total around 17%. Nowhere on this post did anyone say it is 3%!
Anyway back to the situation I think you are complaining about. As a listing company Airbnb should do certain things to make the travellers safe. This can and should include security checks and some sort of quality assurance on the state of properties being listed.
In the early days of the pandemic they overdid the cleaning protocol because it was not as clear as it is now that Covid is primarily airborne transmitted. They relaxed the protocol some time ago now and certainly a) before Omicron came along and b) after many people have had the chance to be vaccinated.
Anyway it is your personal choice to leave Airbnb and everyone else to stay if they are willing to comply with the Ts&Cs in return for the marketing Airbnb provides.
It is a bit like Djokovic _ He has every right not to be vaccinated. Equally he will have to accept any consequences of not being vaccinated should Australia choose to deport him.