Why can't I get support from Airbnb on guest admited property damage

Level 1
Adelaide, Australia

Why can't I get support from Airbnb on guest admited property damage

A guest in the message confessed that his girlfriend hit my garage door on accident, I need to contact the roller door supplier to inspect the damage and provide a tax invoice to fix it. I made a claim immediately in the resolution. The repairment and replacement spend me over AU$4,000 in total.
However, because there was the same day check-in, Airbnb Community Support closed the request and said it is their final decision, based on the Airbnb Host Guarantee policy——"for damages to be eligible under our Host Guarantee, Hosts must notify Airbnb and the responsible guest, and attempt to resolve the loss and/or physical damages within 14 days of check-out or before your next guest checks in, whichever is earlier."
I don't understand the purpose of this so-called Host Guarantee is to protect hosts rights or just an official excuse to evade the responsibility.
I have three simple questions:
1. Why can't I get compensation when the guest confessed the damage caused by his girlfriend?
2. How to make an in-time request when it is a same-day check in&out, and it is to be some third party to fix the damage?
3. Is Host Guarantee policy "Hosts must notify Airbnb and the responsible guest, and attempt to resolve the loss and/or physical damages within 14 days of check-out or before your next guest checks in, whichever is earlier” is to protect the host, or just a "PERFECT EXCUSE" to avoid responsibility from Airbnb?
3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If you followed the process outlined in the guarantee and made a claim before your next guest checked in, I would go back to Airbnb and. challenge their decision @Han14965 

Level 10
New York, NY

@Han14965  One of the many banalities of bureaucracy is following the steps and filling out the forms exactly as specified to get something.  Besides, isn't this what home insurance is for?

Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Han14965   While this does not answer any of your questions as to why Air does not honor their damage policy, contact your property insurance company and pursue the claim through them, WITH  a full report to them that you attempted collection via Air and they denied you even with the guest confession.