airbnb controllling conversations and client data?

Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

airbnb controllling conversations and client data?

why does airbnb bot censoreship words ..


like in this conversation..


//Hi Pia some one is trying to book my place now as (Website hidden by Airbnb) you need to accept the of (Website hidden by Airbnb) might go to the other...


I think it unlawfull and disresctfull to me and the client...


Airbnb please stop controlling my conversations...


and give at least clients phonenumber as soon as they react!




3 Replies 3

@Ray257 They're trying to prevent hosts and guests from exchanging contact info that would allow them to move the transaction off-platform and cut Airbnb out of the service fee. But the censorship bot often mistakes other numbers or random words for contact info and butchers an innocent message.

Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

I d say it s still inlawfull. Airbnb had my commision all ready since the beginning, we the owners of properties should allign and maybe then go to a plafform off ourselves where info is not butchered and or censored..


Airbnb also takes commision from clients and me now...why is that?..should only be from one the renter...



@Ray257   Which law do you believe it to be violating?


Airbnb doesn't take a commission until the booking is confirmed. After that, you're supposed to be able to see the guest's phone number without any censorship.