What hosts are saying

    July 27-28 I came across AD entire entire place near Scottsdale, that was in my price range and in perfect location of where I needed to be. Well I made reservations and paid for it right away.... Getting into vicinity of where it was supposed to be loca... Latest reply by Ann72
    Bonjour,J'ai eu une réservation de voyageurs anglais il y 5 jours. Nous avons eu plusieurs échanges pour organiser leur séjour et qui moment pour eux de venir en France, ils me disent qu'ils souhaitent un remboursement intégral car le gouvernement anglais... Latest reply by Helen3
    To whom it may concern: If it concerns anyone at all, I have had on several occasions, lately, Not had a response from Airbnb when I encountered an issue. Recently, I had a request for a booking, which I had to deny. I received an email from Airbnb that t... Latest reply by Anonymous
    Has anyone else experienced problems on the AirBnB app when trying to unblock and block off days. I’m this started happening last Saturday I think. AirBnB has not replied back to me but I need this fixed soon, lol, so I can accept reservations. Latest reply by Katie
    Hi,For some reason I can no longer block dates on my calendar on the app. Instead of being offered the usual ‘block’ or ‘make available’ I now can only see the words ‘1 date selected’ at the top of the screen. I’m using an iPhone 11 if that makes a differ... Latest reply by Katie