What Hosts are saying

    Hello everyone! Welcome to the Community Center! I'm @Bhumika , one of the Community Managers for our English Community Center along with my lovely team members @Quincy @Paula and @Rebecca and we are thrilled to have you join us. Let's kickstart this... Latest reply by Su93
    We’re not talking that other Florence. I have been there, though, and it is nice. Really nice. If you have a choice between Florence, Ontario, Canada, and Florence, Italy, pick the Italian one… But if you find yourself here, you can make the best of it ... Latest reply by Laura2484
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    My first booking (in an otherwise empty calendar) just came through. A light at the end of a very dark tunnel? Who knows. But it's certainly lifted my spirits. Just not sure where to put my desk/screens/office-y stuff now that I'm working from home full-t... Latest reply by Gordon0
    I have a strict cancellation policy. Very polite guest had to cancel 5 days before arrival due to COVID-related quarantine restrictions between his state and my host state. I informed guest that we follow the Airbnb “Strict” cancellation policy which me...
    Wondering how people are feeling about Airbnb sharing profile pics and first names in an independent study on discrimination? There’s something about having my name and picture floating about that is making me a bit squeamish, and I’m thinking about optin... Latest reply by Alexandra316
    Hello, I would LOVE to manage someone's property (aka co-hosting). I have been an Airbnb Super Host for years but not longer list my place online. I really enjoy creating a welcoming environment and helping guests to plan their trips. If anyone in the Ma... Latest reply by Helen3
    Good afternoon. Ive booked an accomodation in Corse, July, 11 th to 21 th. Unfortunately, my flight from Lyon to Ajaccio, EasyJet (EJU4359 ) was cancelled by the british company. For get my reservation in Corse , Studio calme de 40m2 a 10 min de la ... Latest reply by Mike-And-Jane0
    Добрый день !В этом письме , я вынуждена обратиться за помощью к сообществу airbnb.Я сдаю в аренду свой дом на платформе airbnb несколько летОднако , я вынуждена отменить бронирования для гостей на текущее лето. Причина в том , что существуют ограничени...