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    제가 영국시간 기준으로 1월 29일부터 1월 30일로 숙소를 잡았습니다 그러나 당일날 호스트의 숙소 사정으로 인하여 이용하지.못하였는데 환불을 어떻게 받을 수 있나요?
    Написано, что получите полный возврат, если до прибытия осталось менее 14 дн. , но и тут же написано, что бесплатная отмена только в течение 48 часов. Где правда?Скрин по ссылке https://photos.app.goo.gl/YFKnBqSnzKHNo9JbA
    Hi,I dint receive any promo code thought my email,is the first time order code


    DearHow's everything? Ali Shameem
    Hi! Why does my status show UNLISTED??? I've been trying to relist it but still no change. Pls helIt shows error down here. I've been retrying for several times but no progress
    • Screenshot_2020-01-30-17-52-04.png
    I have booked a place under the mountain, by mistake I booked for 1 guest but the is actually 4. I have let the owner know. Please let me know how we can resolve this payment wise.Regards Robyn Latest reply by Robyn309