cannot rent out host cancelled days

Level 2
Flagstaff, AZ

cannot rent out host cancelled days

It is disappointing to see the policy surrounding blocking days when a reservation is cancelled by host.   Think of how many poeple are now being punished.

example: somebody is providing their home as a place for emergency foster care or families in need.  a family needs something urgently, kids cannot sleep in the street and they need to have a bed.  So the host cancels their reservation and provides their home for such a case.  But then, they are able to leave early.  so the host re opens the reservation.  Airbnb has now decided that no matter what, you are guilty.  extenuating circumstance only applies, if you can provide proof.  Imagine asking somebody who is perhaps in a very low point in their life, for proof that they are destitute, or sick, or have just lost family members?  How insensitive and cruel is this?

Very disappointed.

18 Replies 18
Level 2
Flagstaff, AZ

Thank you everyone for the advice. I wrote up a long explanation, detailing the circumstance, and the post didn't go due to some random server error.  Just another sign, in my opinion, that this platform is suffering from lack of professionalism.  It has so much potential, and its just. so. bad! remember to always copy your post before hitting submit!


Short version: In my specific case, providing housing for a covid affected family turns into a major punishment where i miss an entire month of reservations.  It is disappointing all around, as their privacy is just as valuable as mine, and yours. The original reservation was cancelled within a week of the booking being made, and the booking was for five months in the future. Normally I would never cancel, as I take my hosting duty very seriously.  My solution is to offer it to friends and family and their networks.  I will try to contact Airbnb again, but they said "the matter is closed". I suspect I didn't even talk with a person. MAJOR disappointment.

@Wade79  You had a contract with the guests the minute they made the booking. That's part of the deal here.

The guests and AirBnB have no idea if you cancelled to help someone in need, or to accept a booking for twice the money. You are being super entitled about this, and not seeing both sides. 

I'm also wondering how you knew you would be helping a Covid-affected family 5 months in the future? Or you let them stay for 5 months without compensation? Hard to believe. 

100% agree with statement "they have so much potential". More than likely corporate greed has taken over AirBnB when it went public on Wall St. 

Level 10

The scenarios mentioned seem to be very rare circumstances. Guests travel a long way to arrive to your destination and there has to be a way to deter hosts from cancelling their accommodations.