"Did you find my underwear?"

Level 10
Frederick, MD

"Did you find my underwear?"

Lovely guest checked out recently. Very communicative but overall super nice and seemed to like the place. Sent that message this morning. 


I just started laughing. It was one of the first things I saw after I got up. I have not been over yet as we blocked this weekend for ourselves. I do hope it was not the only pair this person had. 

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Laura2592 Dont forget to grab the ‘underwear tongs’ on your way out!

@Colleen253 definitely. I am tempted to ask "where did you last see it?" But I don't truly want to know.

@Laura2592 They really think you are their closest friends or family members.. LOL 😆 I am curious what they going to do if you told them you find it.

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



I would be tempted to respond, “No, I’m still looking for my own.”



A guest asked me to send hers to Australia (I’m in California), as the sexy set was “an Anniversary gift...”