"Preparation time" setting doesn't apply ?

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

"Preparation time" setting doesn't apply ?

I have set "preparation time" to block 1 night before and after each booking but it doesn't work. Or, at least it doesn't work if I manually block dates in the calendar, for example when I get booking outside Airbnb.


I have guests who booked for 2 nights so I manually blocked April 16 and 17 (check-out is at 18th) and noticed that anyone can book to April 16 or from April 18-th. Is it a glitch or...?

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

This is my listing: www.airbnb.com/rooms/13525942  (3 nights min stay)

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


If you block 16 en 17, then somebody can checkout on 16 or check-in on 18. Only when reservation is done via Airbnb for 16 en 17, the extra preparation time will be added.

Yes @Emiel1  I discovered that by myself when I got a booking without 1 day of prep time 😞 Somehow I expected it will work no matter if the dates are blocked by ABB reservation or manually. So it's not a glitch? It always worked this way?

Level 10
Florence, Canada

When I block for something personal, @Branka-and-Silvia0 , I would hate it if the system automatically added prep time to that. I don't need prep time just because I will be away that particular day or days -- I need prep time only if it is an actual booking. So when I block for a private booking, I manually block what I need for prep as well. Not a glitch -- a feature working the way it should. 🙂

@Lawrene0  yes, OK that makes sense 🙂 I assumed wrongly, you know how it's said: Assumption is a mother of all fu*kups 🙂

@Branka-and-Silvia0 : It would be a bit creepy if the system "knew" what I was up to with every block. 🙂