stop late night bookings How To?

stop late night bookings How To?

I had someone try to book and arrive after 10.30pm on the same night. I was in bed asleep so missed the request, which I would have denied as I am unhappy at allowing instant book after 8pm at night. Showing people round late at night is not something I want to do.

I have searched to find where I can alter the settings so that instant book people cannot book and arrive late at night but cannot find it.

Help please.

Monique in UK

5 Replies 5
Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Try setting up 24 hour notice required to book.  That should help, I have it on and have never had a late night IB, but maybe that was just luck.

Thanks for the info, Monique

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You can change your settings on your listing so guests have to give a minimum one day (or more ) notice @Monique865 

Thank you, Monique

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Same day reservations has an option to set the cutoff hour:

(in this screenshot it is set to 06:00 pm)

