What Hosts are saying

    Hello everyone, Welcome to our Community Guide board - a place full of the best advice and tactics by Hosts, for Hosts! In this section you are going to find a plethora of guides, tips and tutorials created by our hosting community on mastering the ar...
    The first 2 years that I had 3 tiny cabin listings I would include 2 Keurig pods per adult, per day, for the Keurig brewer we supplied in each cabin. Most of the time, most of the coffee would be us used. Beginning the third year, we stocked the coffee ... Latest reply by Jeff2687
    By Daniel from Spain and @Felicity11 from Australia. Members of the Host Advisory Board. In Pride month we want to raise our voice and take this opportunity to talk about inclusive hosting. I hope you all find this post useful as I join forces with @... Latest reply by Daniel1651
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    Communicating clear and easy-to-use check-out instructions is key for both Guests and Hosts alike. Guests like to know what to expect when booking your property and Hosts appreciate when the check-out process is completed smoothly. Checkout this Airbnb ar...
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    As hosts of stays and Experiences, I’m sure at some time we have all been asked by guests for recommendations of things to do in our area. Of course, there may be a lot of go-to tourist attractions and must-sees in our areas. But there may often be hidden... Latest reply by Ethan312
    Ever wonder how your Airbnb listing is perceived by potential guest? Maybe you’ve said to yourself, “We have such a great place, but why aren’t we booked or “I’ve just become an Airbnb host, how does my listing look?” If your Airbnb “Listing Title... Latest reply by Scott1957
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    Hi Everyone, Here is a mini guide on how Hosts can view "what price the guests will see" and also how to use the "Compare Similar Listings" tool.Here’s how to find the “Price Preview Tool” to check what pricing the guests will see : Select any number o... Latest reply by Patricia2526
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