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I am a local Airbnb host in Metairie, La where yesterday the city council voted to ban all short-term rentals in most of the East & Westbank Parishes. I assume I feel like most other people when I say I was blind-sighted by this.
It is absolutely absurd for them to push that strict of a ban. With over 500 short term rental hosts, and only 2 showed up to the council meeting to dispute, I can only assume the rest were shocked and unaware this was happening like myself.
I am wondering why Airbnb never reached out to let us know this was happening or if there is anything we can do at this point. I would like to see if there is some change we can bring on and push for more regulations and rules like Orleans Parish rather than the total ban that was passed.
Any insight is encouraged and appreciated!
You are right in suggesting that people were completely unaware of this meeting. I am still in shock. After reading the reasons for the ban ( noise, traffic, garbage) I am infuriated that I could not be there to address these comments. I also think you are right in questioning AirBnB’s position on this. Have you reached out to them? It seems the course of action is going to have to result in filing a lawsuit.
Hello everyone,
Thank you Nicole for taking a initiative for starting this thread. I spoke to my attorney yesterday, he said he will study the new law and let me know what we can do. I suggest we all should go together to the city council and let them know about our concerns.
This Monday Kenner will be trying to ban Airbnb in our town.
If you are a host please attend and voice your opinion on this matter.
Monday May 27 at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall on Williams.
Short sited We own two Airbnb in othe states and to date we have not had any issues. We were planning on keeping our main home in Metairie and utilize it as an Airbnb to be able to maintain this as our forever home once we retire. But due to the incredibly expensive taxes, insurance, increasing out of control flood insurance costs and increasing auto insurance, we will not be able to afford staying in the Greater New Orleans area!!!! Jefferson parish will loose honest tax paying folks that through Airbnb revenues will NOT contribute to the parish!!!!! The meeting happened in the morning with little or no notice and frankly we are disgusted! Airbnb? Where are you on this issue????
We were completely blindsided by this also. I had heard something in October that they were "thinking" about it - and then suddenly what I'm doing is illegal. I tried to call to get more information from my councilman and he didn't return my phone call. I think this legislation is over-reaching, much like when they tried to put all those traffic cameras up - and then had to take them down. I do think lawyers will have to be involved. I can try to email Airbnb and see if they have some advice, maybe they can at least suggest some legal steps we can take.
I can't wrap my head around the logic of this legislation. They stated noise, trash, and parking. All of which can be handled under other ordinances.
Cynthia, I too was shocked at the speed and secrecy of the Council meeting; heard of it when I was on the way out to an appointment. It's a shortsighted and vague blanket ruling. From the interviews I've seen on local news, most of the people questioned about the ruling were locals who really didn't have a strong opinion, and certainly no real opposition to short-term rentals. When the ruling stated that the "Causeway and Veterans Blvd. corridors" there was no real definition of exactly what this encompasses.
Does anyone have a recommendation of a locally respected attorney who could effectively represent the members of a coalition (to be organized) of short-term rental owners?
Linda ****
Follow the money. Who benefits from this ban?
I am glad to hear I am not the only one who is completely surprised and frustrated by this. They brag the decision was unanimous and only two people showed to the council meeting to dispute it because no one really knew. Tried this in Orleans Parish and through the community coming together, changes were made and airbnb was allowed. They can push further rules and regulations on hosts but a complete ban is absurd. I have sent Airbnb a message asking them on their past experiences with this and what we can productively do. Also, asking if they can reach out to all of the hosts in our area to make everyone aware (I was shocked they did not already do that). I am still awaiting a response.
Nicole, I read what they were saying as well and yes they are bragging about a victory that had no opponent. Also they chose to use the quote of a person that had an ABB but said they would not want one in the neighborhood where they resided. Where are they getting their profile of guests that are staying in our places? They are calling them transients and insinuating that the guests are an undesirable element. Whether a renter is short or long term has no bearing on the character of the occupant. Thank you for taking charge of getting the ball rolling for us.
I am trying to find out what course of action is necessary to challenge the ruling and will share any information. If anyone is able to get in contact with an ABB representative please let us know.
Thanks everyone one for participating in trying to fix this travesty!
I think everyone should try to reach out to their councilperson and discuss the matter. I just put in a call to my councilperson, Jennifer Van Vranken (504-736-6633) and will update you all on what she advises. They did say, it would be good for the councilmemebers to hear from the hosts in our community as there was not much of a voice present for us at the meeting.
I have called mine, Carl Johnston - and he has not returned my call. We are sending a letter that details our Airbnb experience and the type of people we rent to, via the council and then to the media. We rent out our Guest House, so we are the neighbors - so we try and maintain a high quality of life, because it affects us personally. I don't see how the parish did this so quietly - because they did keep it quiet. The first I heard about it was the morning news. They said Home Away made a statement about not knowing about this until after, and Sheng said they had informed them, and it's their bad business plan that they only found out after. This just doesn't sit well with me. It doesn't make sense the quickness and secrecy. There has to be something else going on for her to be all up on this.
One word, RIDICULOUS. Can't believe that the Parish Council is that shortsighted. They have to realize that short term renters spend money in Jefferson Parish. This spending generates local taxes. The money that is spent at local businesses is circlated throughout the parish. I believe that there are about 500 AirBnB spaces in Jefferson Parish. If 2 people occupy each unit on average, that would mean that 1000 people are spending out of town dollars on a daily basis in our community.
Supposedly, the parish did a 2 year study on short term rentals. What were the results of the study? Why did the council not want to debate the results of the study? It is my belief that there were a few complaints and the parish council just took the easy way out and decided to ban most short term rentals. I do not appreciate the fact that there was a one day notice given before the actual vote. Only 2 people showed up to voice the opinion for AirBnB hosts. That is exactly what they wanted. Had they given more notice, there would have been many people voicing opposition to the ban. I do not appreciate when government tries to ram something down the throats of the people they are paid to represent. A real debate on this issue probably would have led to compromises that everyone could live with. If Orleans Parish could come up with regulations that led to keeping short term rentals, why did Jefferson Parish not even try.
The fact that the vote was unanimous tell me that something is not right.
We need to come together as a group ( all of the Jefferson Parish AirBnB hosts )
and demand our council to revisit this issue. We have a right to see the 2 year study. We have a right to know who paid for the study and how much it cost.
Let us remind our council members that if 500 AirBnB hosts can influence 10 voters each, that would be 5000 voters that do not appreciate their strong arm tacticts.
We need to see if AirbnB can give us a way to get in touch with each other. That way we can present a united front in order to get the parish to revisit the ban.
From the news report, I found dated October of 2017 - there was one complaint. One. It was centered around a property on Bixler in Metairie. Neighbors complained and Jefferson Parish tried to do something about it, shut the Airbnb down etc. The homeowner took them to court and the judge ruled favorably for the homeowner because there were no clear rulings about short-term rentals. So this prompted a supposed 2-year study. I agree this was a heavy-hand dictatorship move, based off of something that can't be quantified. I'm up for anything, we should get together as a group and do something.