
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session



We'd love to hear from our superhosts: what’s the one key element you believe is essential for delivering an outstanding guest experience?

20 Replies 20
Level 10
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Matteo1140,


This for me is easy.  Excellent guest communication from beginning to end is key.  Of course, providing a quality stay is important but for me, professional and empathetic communication is so important.



Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Interesting question!

Guest Experience like @Dave-and-Deb0  Said she knows better!

Level 2
Dominican Republic

La comunicación, y es muy importante el cómo tratas a tu huésped


[Translation added by Community Manager]


Communication, and how you treat your guest is very important.

Level 2
Rosario, Argentina

Hola, para mi lo fundamental es la comunicación y la forma en que se brinda la información (indicar previamente a la llegada como deben realizar el ingreso, como es el uso de artefactos electricos y/o a gas, como deben realizar el check out) y además dejar una guía con información de la ciudad, algunos huespedes van por el día, pero muchos van como turistas y es un valor agregado importante.


[Translation added by Community Manager]


Hello, for me the most important thing is communication and the way in which information is provided (indicating before arrival how they should check in, how to use electrical and/or gas appliances, how to check out) and also leaving a guide with information about the city. Some guests go for the day, but many go as tourists and it is an important added value.

Level 2
San Francisco, CA

warm welcoming greetings and atmosphere, local tips about places to see and restaurants, personalized attention to them and their stories, their motive and intentions to be there and their goals! Each guest is different and their requirements can vary accordingly, there is no general but customized experience for each one of them. Your kindness, courtesy, communication, compassion and the way you welcome them matters a lot.  It’s vital to their experience and memories!

Level 1
State of São Paulo, Brazil

Gentileza, Eficiência nos Serviços prestados, Ética, Transparência Objetividade e Comunicação Positiva, além de diferencial competitivo no Mercado.


Google Translation added by Community Manager:  Kindness, Efficiency in the Services provided, Ethics, Transparency, Objectivity and Positive Communication, in addition to a competitive advantage in the Market.

Level 1
Abakaliki, Nigeria

Like I keep saying, Communication is the key 🔐 🔐 to unlocking a lot of things.


Without proper communication ,there will be gap between you and your guest .


So for delivering an outstanding guest experience,there should be good communication.

Level 1
Ikoyi I, Nigeria

I think communication comes first,  then perfecting the details in the guest's request to make their stay enjoyable 

La comunicazione credo sia fondamentale, risposte immediate, esaustive e personalizzate, in modo il cliente si senta sempre al centro dell'attenzione e mai abbandonato. Credo anche nell'importanza del rapporto umano, hanno scelto una casa, non un albergo, il cliente si aspetta un rapporto professionale ma al tempo stesso confidenziale. Adoro accogliere i miei clienti personalmente ed ho notato che gradiscono molto. 


Google Translation added by Community Manager:  I believe communication is fundamental, immediate, exhaustive and personalized responses, so that the customer always feels at the center of attention and never abandoned. I also believe in the importance of the human relationship, they chose a house, not a hotel, the customer expects a professional but at the same time confidential relationship. I love welcoming my customers personally and I have noticed that they really like it.

Level 10
Santa Ana, CA

@Matteo1140 , the two CC’s: communication and cleanliness. I’ve stayed at places that had great communication but lacked in cleanliness. 

Just my two cents…

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Are you looking to become a host @Matteo1140 

Level 1
Florianópolis, Brazil

Ola a todos. A comunicação honesta é fundamental, oferecer conforto, ambiente tranquilo aliando a limpeza, é tb nossa obrigação de anfitrião. Obrigada pela atenção 🩷




Hello everyone. Honest communication is essential. Providing comfort, a peaceful environment and cleanliness is also our obligation as hosts. Thank you for your attention.


[Google translation added by OCM]

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Matteo1140 👋


How is your journey going to become a host? Have you had an opportunity to have a look at the lovely responses from some of our experienced hosts here? 


Looking forward to hearing from you! 



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