'AUTH BRIDGE' in India is a SPAM?

'AUTH BRIDGE' in India is a SPAM?

Dear all,

I believed and encountered suspicious verification process from your behalf by a company called 'AUTH BRIDGE' in India, reason are listed below;
- After providing Govt. issues IDs like Aadhar card, they rejected saying it is not in their list but in India it is one of the top Govt IDs, which all govt banks also accept.
- After a second verification with my driving licence, they are asking for 3 more verification where pictures have been asked along with my property and other formalities.
- Their website www.'authbridge'.com isn't working and giving me a headache as if I'm inviting an online fraud or such person who can utilise my details and IDs for other illegal purposes/activities.
KIndly help urgently!
2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Vishwajit0, this seems like a tricky and urgent situation. I am reaching out to one of the members  @Sangeeta8 if she may be able to help with some insights related to it.



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 9
New Delhi, India

@Vishwajit0 Airbnb has been doing this process for a long time. Call the helpline or email them rather than suspect some hanky-panky. Give them the benefit of doubt. All will be well. Reach out to the host community and find you will get the same answers. Where are you located?