Dear Airbnb Community and Moderators,I am experiencing a ser...
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Dear Airbnb Community and Moderators,I am experiencing a serious security breach on my Airbnb account, and Airbnb support has...
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Like many other hosts here on this forum, I have a problem because AirBnB stopped paying for their bookings in May without any explanation.
Since then I have tried absolutely everything to resolve the problem, calling 20+ times, contacting them on Twitter, writing and replying here, contacting past guests and still nothing. They don't provide any explanation. They don't respond or call back when they promise and there is absolutely no way that hosts or guests can escalate their issue beyond the utterly useless call centre.
But it's not just me.
I see the same thing...
etc etc
Search the forums and there are endless, endless complaints about the fact there's zero help. If AirBnB decide not to help you, you are completely without recourse to solve your issue. In the case they owe you money, or you need guests to leave the property, or there's damage to your property - you can be left with nothing.
People have been screaming for months about this problem, so we have to assume that the AirBnB management know about this, but still it continues.
Contact support and they tell you "Thanks for being an amazing super host ...someone will contact you soon" (no contact, ticket closed)
Contact the support desk on Twitter and you get the same bland non-answers "we appreciate you, someone will contact you" (no contact)
Write here on the forum and you get the same nonsense "we will try to help, but can't actually influence anything" (no contact)
No help, no explanation and absolutely no way to escalate your complaint. This is the bedrock of AirBnB's support and AirBnBs business model. Take the money, offer zero help.
Whilst I (obviously) have an interest in getting my case close, I find it amazing that a publicly traded company would trash its own reputation like this with both hosts and guests - the two people it relies on for profit.
Shareholders beware - the reputation of this company is being systematically trashed and apparently nobody cares.
could not have said it better myself...It literally leaves you shaking your head...I wonder if someday we will discover the depths of business bad behavior currently going on in Airbnb.
And the completely odd part is they are very successful, so why not act like your successful, and take care of your clients both hosts and guest...
Yes it is literally head mind boggling. I have no clue except attorney or high profile public intermediary such as TV station etc
@Ian35187 Airbnb is becoming the MySpace of short term booking platforms. It will be taken over by a better run and more popular alternative in the next few years. I am just waiting to find out what that is.
It doesn't know what it wants to be. Right now, it is skewing toward "real estate porn" by only featuring the properties that fit one of its categories. But it also wants hosts to welcome people from all over the world and sing folksongs with them, fostering better cultural understanding and communication. Okay, but you have chosen to feature the homes where hosts most likely AREN'T on site.
It also asks you to open your real estate asset to a stranger and never complain if that stranger destroys it. Because if you do, you are often rewarded by having your listing suspended when said destructive stranger reports you in retaliation.
In younger social media circles, ABB is the go to for a party house. Despite the lip service about party bans, there is no attempt to shut down copious "influencer" posts about what houses to rent for your next pop up rager. ABB definitely has the rep as the place to go to make your "being in a music video" fantasy come true for you and all your friends.
I don't honestly know WHAT Airbnb wants to be. I can't truly identify where the brand is going. Its only a matter of time until its position in the marketplace is usurped.
It's a real hardship that @Ian35187 is operating in a nation at war. My guess is that Airbnb is withholding payment for their own reasons related to said conflict(s). Not communicating those reasons or giving an ETA is absolutely awful. But you'll get your money once they are done with their internal audits, etc. But let's be real here: Did anyone think operating an STR in a nation at war was going to be without some sort of drawback?
During COVID, they shut down local listings straight away. END OF STORY. At least you're able to operate and have some sort of relative confidence that you will be paid for services rendered (albeit not as soon as you'd like). Maybe if they just shut you down you'd prefer that? Probably not. . .
It's your house! You can always stop listing on Airbnb outright and/or change platforms and see what VRBO and/or do for you.
As for saying that AIrbnb is the next MySpace? That's a little misguided, and most definitely grossly premature. MySpace was a tech start-up trying to find its way and had a decent several year run as the first to mass market in a concept that essentially never previously existed (Social Media). Airbnb is a publicly traded company that was and remains, by far, the global leader in the STR vertical (a mature concept that they didn't invent, but rather, optimized/mastered). Airbnb has the reputation, tech, infrastructure, cash, and most importantly, STR stock/great hosts, that should allow it to stay that way for no less than the next 5+ years.
Are they struggling with identity at times? You betcha! Remember when Amazon only sold books? Remember when Apple only made clunky desktop PCs?
It'll be interesting to see where Airbnb slots itself in the coming 10-20 years. And if you don't like the direction their headed? Go elsewhere (I know I will). I'm firmly in the "I don't care for Chesky" camp. But that doesn't change the fact that the Airbnb user interface and profit potential for the Host remains head-and-shoulders better than other platforms I've tried to use in the past (at least in the markets we operate).
Competition is a good thing though! So, I hope you're right that another platform comes along and by doing so makes the STR experience better for both Hosts and Guests. But, again, we're several years away from that (if even that soon).
As for saying that AIrbnb is the next MySpace? That's a little misguided, and most definitely grossly premature. MySpace was a tech start-up trying to find its way and had a decent several year run as the first to mass market in a concept that essentially never previously existed (Social Media). Airbnb is a publicly traded company that was and remains, by far, the global leader in the STR vertical (a mature concept that they didn't invent, but rather, optimized/mastered). Airbnb has the reputation, tech, infrastructure, cash, and most importantly, STR stock/great hosts, that should allow it to stay that way for no less than the next 5+ years.
Disagree with all of the above. From my perspective, ABB has:
I will put it another way. I used to use Uber quite a bit. I had a few creepy and difficult experiences with drivers so I started using Lyft instead. Around the same time I read about the shenanigans with Uber corporate culture and was grossed out. I now only use Lyft. I understand that many drivers drive for both but have never had an issue with a Lyft driver asking for a kiss before I got out of the car (yep that really happened. Pre-COVID, so let's hope that is an excuse for that person never to try that crap again. Somehow I doubt it...)
Uber did nothing about my complaint. I switched. I am happy with Lyft. I think its not a bad idea for hosts to keep their eyes fixed on the STR platform marketplace with a mind towards finding a different ride soon. But if you are happy with the way things are going and have a healthy profit, good guests and steady bookings you may feel differently. We had 2 out of 3 and it wasn't enough.
Hi @Ian35187
I'm really sorry that you're still waiting for a resolution to your enquiry.
I just wanted to confirm that I've sent you a private message with more information.
I hope you get a response about your ongoing query soon.
In my experience Airbnb is the best it gives you everything you need to run your STR business, Great web site easy to use, and best of all we get paid 24 hours later up to now never had a problem getting paid.
I have never had to call CS If we have a problem I will deal with it, There have been times when a guest have had a complaint and they have called CS and has been dealt with right away, that was only twice and Airbnb were really helpful to the point they agreed with me, What more can I say?.
As for other STR site's then Airbnb is the best of a bad bunch you should try BDC their customer service is none existent we have deleted our account with them getting was always a problem plus paying them 17.2%.