AirBnB photo shoot offer. Should I do it??

Level 10
Takoma Park, MD

AirBnB photo shoot offer. Should I do it??

I know I've read more than one post here about how people were disappointed by their AirBnB photo shoot. I believe some of the issues range from the quality (or lack thereof) of the photos, as well as the fact that AirBnB somehow owns the photos? 

I feel that my listing would really benefit from professional photos. I tried to do this through AirBnB when I first started out, but the service wasn't available in my area. I'm doing fine with reservations, but I know better photos would better illustrate what I'm offering. 

Now, they sent me an offer that's super cheap. Something about how this service is discounted through August 31st. The price is $70??? Not too much to lose if they don't turn out well. 

Should I do it? 

Thoughts on this are very welcome. 



40 Replies 40

@Lisa723  Oh my gosh- yes! In a normal market, that's an obvious assumption. However,  the area I'm in, it's like an alternate universe for the real estate. I'm not kidding! 

I spend half my time in the Washington, DC area, and the real estate market there is crazy! There are photography services that focus exclusively on real estate. Beautiful pics, wide angle lenses, staging, the whole nine yards. 

Up here in western PA, it's a whole other world. People don't even clean their houses before taking pics! It's like the realtor walks in with an iPhone and takes pics as-is. It's crazy! 

I'm going to include a link, if it will go through here (won't be blocked)

This is for a condo on a high-end resort property nearby. Check out the pics- you can see the reflection in the door of a person with a phone in their hands. It's not a super high-dollar property in a normal market, but in this area, it's high-end. There is absolutely nothing professional or appealing in the pics. Apparently this is the standard around here.  I've scoured the Internet for nearby realtors that I could contact. It's pretty obvious that they are not using professional photographers!

@Kia272 wow, OK, that is eye-opening. Well-- good luck!

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Kia272  For $70 I would do it, hiring your own photographer would probably cost at least 3x that much.  We've tried doing our own photos on the iphone, android, and digital camera.  While some of them are 'fine' none were as good as the ones from the original Airbnb photo shoot.

@Mark116 Good to know. Thanks!


We used many of the Airbnb photographer's work, mixed it with my own using a really nice camera under a variety of conditions, and photos taken by others. It does not have to be exclusively one or another.

Level 10
Boise, ID

@Kia272   I guess, I was one of the lucky ones.  The photographer Airbnb sent out was wonderful and the pictures turned out great!  As far as the copyright is concerned,  I was not aware that Airbnb "owned" them.  I was given a cd with the all pics by the photographer to do with as I please.   I suppose it is probably hit or miss, but it might be worth a try-especially, given what a photographer, hired by you,  would probably charge.  😉

@Ann489 You did indeed get lucky; that photographer probably broke the terms of their contract with Airbnb. Here are the terms of service for Airbnb photography (emphasis added):


Terms of Service


Airbnb may offer Hosts the option of having professional photographers take photographs of their Host Services, which are made available by the photographer to Hosts to include in their Listings with or without a watermark or tag bearing the words " Verified Photo" or similar wording ("Verified Images"). You are responsible for ensuring that your Host Service is accurately represented in the Verified Images and you will stop using the Verified Images on or through the Airbnb Platform if they no longer accurately represent your Listing, if you stop hosting the Host Service featured, or if your Airbnb Account is terminated or suspended for any reason. You acknowledge and agree that Airbnb shall have the right to use any Verified Images in advertising, marketing and/or any other business purposes in any media or platform, whether in relation to your Listing or otherwise, without further notice or compensation to you. Where Airbnb is not the exclusive owner of Verified Images, by using such Verified Images on or through the Airbnb Platform, you grant to Airbnb an exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual (or for the term of the protection), sub-licensable and transferable license to use such Verified Images for advertising, marketing and/or any other business purposes in any media or platform, whether in relation to your Listing or otherwise, without further notice or compensation to you. Airbnb in turn grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable, non-transferable license to use Verified Images outside of the Airbnb Platform solely for your personal and non-commercial use.




Important Information


By clicking ‘Submit’, you agree to pay the total cost shown in the email and on this form. You may reschedule or cancel prior to the shoot without penalty, otherwise this service is not refundable. You recognize that Airbnb will hold all rights (including copyright rights), title and interest in the resulting images. Airbnb may use the resulting images for advertising, marketing, commercial and other purposes in any media or platform, whether in relation to your listing or otherwise.

@Lisa723 @Kia272 

I wonder if that clause is a recent addition maybe?  We had our pictures taken about four or five years ago and it was a free service for us.  

@Ann489 No, it's not new. It was in place when we had ours taken, 2016 I think.

@Ann489 - I think you did luck out. The photographer was probably not supposed to give you that CD. The fine print that @Lisa723 posted is correct. AirBnB can use the photos pretty much however they see fit without your permission, but you can't. Go figure. 

I still think they're going to come back to me and say that they can't offer me the service in my area. I should know shortly. 


Level 10
Frederick, MD

We arw regularly used as a location for portrait photos (family,  pregnancy, engagement etc) and  charge a day rate for booking our space.  We got our own professional interior and exterior shots free as a trade result with a great photographer. I would suggest doing something like that instead.  Or a discount on a stay. I've never seen any good results from the ABB photo service. 

@Laura2592  that's a great idea that I would love to implement, but that kind of market just isn't available to me out here. I'd be asking someone to come from Pittsburgh, the closest metropolitan area, which is 1.5 hours away. I just can't emphasize enough what a cultural black hole this is out here. Professional services are few and far between. I'm thinking that for $70 it might be worth a try.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Kia272 @Lisa723 @Ann489 


I'm wondering if there is a difference as far as hosts being able to use the photos however they choose depending on whether it is a freebie, i.e. when it is offered as an alternative option to a $100 Superhost voucher or whether the host is actually paying.

Paying for something, and then being told you can't use it as you see fit is pretty outrageous.

@Sarah977 no difference. My shoot in 2016 was free, and the text I copied above was in an email I received from Airbnb last week. I couldn't find the terms anywhere so I submitted a request for a paid shoot just to get them. Terms are the same for both.

@Sarah977 my only real concern is that the payment comes from my earnings. I'd much rather just pay with a credit card, which gives me an option for a dispute if the whole thing goes bad. AirBnB specifically said that they will not take a superhost voucher for this service. 

Apparently they are working with this company:


I still think they're going to come back to me and tell me the service is not available in my area.