AirBnb pricing - why discount are not shown on the main page

Level 2
Grenoble, France

AirBnb pricing - why discount are not shown on the main page

Dear Hosts,


I am new to airbnb and I am a bit struggling to understand all the rules and tricks with pricing. I followed the advice from airbnb to lower the price at the very beginning. I have set up several discounts for the late reservation, early reservation etc. However, when I log out and check my listing, the price is correct but it does not show that there is a discount from the original one. Other listings do have that, for example: it was 80, it is corssed and it shows 69. I wish my price was presented the same way on the main page of the listing list. I belive this way it would be more attractive. Thanks in advance for any help. Have a nice day and a lot of bookings 🙂

Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



The "early bird" and "last minute" discounts are not presented as a "strikethrough" of original price. Which makes them rather useless for promotion. Use "promotions" (in listing calender) for that.

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1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



The "early bird" and "last minute" discounts are not presented as a "strikethrough" of original price. Which makes them rather useless for promotion. Use "promotions" (in listing calender) for that.