Airbnb Co-host and mentor

Airbnb Co-host and mentor

Hello, My name is Melner, and I have two properties in Dubai. I'm looking for someone who has an idea of how to start the Airbnb business and co-host. If you're available, I will gladly meet you and talk about it during dinner.

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Melner-Lorezo0 👋


As this is a global community, it might be hard to find a Host/Co-Host from a specific area. There are Local Host Clubs though - so it might be worth popping there for more area specific regulations and licences, cleaners and things like that. Please let me know how you get on. 
Rebecca 🌟




Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 1
Pune, India

Hi Melner, 


I can help you out to with the setting it up and also be ready to co host if my time permits. lets discuss more. I have been hosting property since last 4 years in india and moved to dubai since 2020. lets discuss further on how i can help.



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