@Robert7013 I am down the road from you in Swannanoa. Currently, Black Mountain will allow AirBnB rentals -- you will want to read the North Carolina Vacation Rental Act (google it) and figure out how to create a rental contract to deliver to your AirBnB guests, which is required by the Act.
AirBnB will collect 13% in taxes -- Sales and Use taxes for the State 4.75, Buncombe 2.25 and Occupancy tax Buncombe 6%. You will need a State Tax ID number to report your zero tax due returns. AirBnB will NOT provide any proof that they have paid these taxes, so you must file the zero tax due reports to have a paper trail.
I do not recommend that you rent for more than 14 days at a time. If you want to rent long term, sign up with Greybeard Realty. They will take good care of you.