
Level 1
Lund, Sweden


Hej! jag har sett en kupong på min sida tidigare men kan inte få den fram. Vil du berätta hur jag kan ta fram kupongen? Jag planerar en resa och skulle vilja använda den . Tack!




Hello! I have seen a coupon on my site before but can't get it. Would you like to tell me how I can get the coupon? I am planning a trip and would like to use it. Thanks!


[English translation added by OCM and last name hidden due to privacy concerns - Community Center Guidelines]

Top Answer
Level 10
Manila, Philippines

Hi @Krystyna5 


Go to settings, tap on payments and Payout then under “travelling” tap on credit & coupons, then tap on coupon you want to use.


View Top Answer in original post

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Manila, Philippines

Hi @Krystyna5 


Go to settings, tap on payments and Payout then under “travelling” tap on credit & coupons, then tap on coupon you want to use.


Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Pontefract, United Kingdom

Hi @Krystyna5! It looks like @Patricia2526 has provided some good info on how to find the coupons. Please let us know if that worked! 



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Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Krystyna5 If you have found your coupon you could use it to book a place in Ukraine. Hosts there still need lots of support.