Airbnb not getting tax info to me

Level 2
Townsend, TN

Airbnb not getting tax info to me

Im hoping someone can give me some advice. I contacted Airbnb through the website asking for my 1099, which they have sent in past years but failed to this year. By law, they are supposed to make these available by Jan 31st. I got an email back and a message through the site stating that they only correspond through email and asked for specific information which is on my account already. They then closed the text through the website. I sent the information needed by email and got another email stating that they only correspond through the website! Then they closed out the case because it was over 24 hours. I was waiting for their response after I sent the info. What the heck??? Right now they are holding up my taxes and I can't seem to do anything about it. If I call, the employee can't help. So far 3 days have gone by and nothing. 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
New York, NY

Because of new IRS regulations @Debbie25 they are no longer issuing 1099s for less than $20,000 earned AND less than 200 transactions.  IRS has applied this to PayPal, Venmo, and others as well as Airbnb.  You can go to Insights -> Earnings -> Transaction History and sort by last year's transactions.  Airbnb might also have sent you an email in the last week or two with a link to last year's transactions.  Anyway, once you generate last year's report, your accountant can use that.