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I’m looking to identify where the taxes and fees are paid (what government agency) they are not listed on the tax form from ...
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Have anybody know what's algorithm for price display? When searching my house area (without input any dates), the result search lists display my house rental price such as $341/ night (in one house) or $559/ night (another house). The problem is, I never rent out that price, that's the highest price I setup for busy season (usually I have weekly discount, then active rent out for busy season is 80% of that) and all were filled. For off season, my rental is $180 and $285. But when search without date, it always display $341/ night or $559/ night when displayed in search lists. Then the guests might not click my listings. On the other hand, I see a lot listings display as low as $121, but when you click into it, the actually price is much higher, such as $280. Don't get it how Airbnb algorithm for price display. Anyone have any idea? What I should do to let Airbnb show my price as lowest, not the highest? Thanks!
I had this same problem and called Airbnb. The algorithm is that without entering dates, they take the average of the next 7 days, regardless of whether the dates are available or not. So, if months ago you rented out tomorrow and 6 days after that at $400, but the next available day, even if it is months in the future, is set at $200, what will show is $400. I tested this by waiting until I had the next week free, and changing that week’s prices did indeed change the displayed price to be the average for the week.
I do understand that, not knowing the dates, they have to display something, but it’s really misleading in my case since the next available day might be in a completely different season than the current season, and my prices vary considerably depending on season. I think just displaying the price of the next available day would be preferable to that.
@Pat271 Thanks for reply! You are right, look like they take the average of the next 7 days since now is hot season for beach houses. But just make no sense since my available dates are not in hot season. There is a lot price difference there. Now my reservation stop there for a while now. But still I don’t understand some house listing price is so lower but actually price is much higher. There is a house near my house only list as $94/day, all hot season is filled too, but I picked a dates for September for a week then it shows $270/day. The list is
I still can’t figure out why
@Pat271 I tested by change one day this week to $280/day (I only can do this because the date is reserved by VRBO), then the price reduced from $559/day to now $519/day now. I can changed the price as low as I want to if it is not reserved by airbnb also less than my minimum days requirement which is 7 then nobody from Airbnb can reserved it (because already booked by VRBO). In the case of "https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/31761513", I guess they were most reserved by directly booking, then change the price as they want for the days under minimum days requirement, thus lower price display here. But that's unfair to people just use Airbnb, they have no way to change the following date price if it is already booked from Airbnb.
@Pat271 Follow your finding of following 7 days, I successfully change one of my listing display from $341 to $175/day. Thank you! I still think Airbnb should display the next available 7 days average price, not following 7 days price
Thanks for the explanation. I noticed something similar a couple of weeks ago, and called customer service. The rep actually told me that since I had Instant Book enabled, that IB automatically changes prices. I told her that I've read no such announcement, plus it's also not in the Help pages, and asked her to send me documented proof. Of course, she couldn't provide the non-existent documentation. I became irritated and told her to stop spreading misinformation, and then hung up.
That’s absurd!
Airbnb needs to develop a comprehensive training program for its customer service agents. They often talk about it being a priority, but the skill levels still seem to be very uneven.
@Pat271 That's why I come here for the answer instead of calling the customer service agents. Thanks for the answer. Now I figure out how I set the lowest price for my listings.
@Z-2 Let me know if you solve it when the next 7 days are booked with Airbnb guests. You can’t change the price on those.
@Pat271 Yes, it is unfair to Airbnb only host. My this week's guests for both houses (which I want to set the price) are from VRBO, so I can reset the price, but I can't reset the price on Airbnb reservations. Since 40% of my booking is from VRBO, so knowing the algorithm do help me. I can reset my VRBO booking date price to lowest price I want to but no more than minimum requirement. For example, set 6 days of (VRBO booking) to lower price such as $100, since my minimum requirement is 7 days, so it is still blocked on Airbnb calendar, but the price is taken, thus lower the display price. Now I reduced my display price of one listing from $341 to $175, another one from $559 to $308. I think this Airbnb algorithm is hurt Airbnb only hosts, since it make them harder to compete with companies whose most booking is not from Airbnb. Those companies list price is so low (but not true).
Actually, you should first go to the Airbnb Help section, and then come to the community if there is something you're unclear about. Although we share what we know from our experiences, the information that's provided isn't valid unless it's a direct copy of Airbnb documentation. Even video and written postings from Airbnb executives here in the community have been refuted by official documentation.
@Debra300 For most Airbnb policy, you are right. But for this price display algorithm, I think hosts with more experience may be more familiar with it. Thank you!
@Z-2we called bringing this to Airbnb's attention dozens of times. One thing that would fix many dilemmas would be change of the algorithm to ALL TIME AVERAGE, if must be an average, and going back to the great practice being implicated for many years in the past: use of the simple word FROM above the price for each listing. They could have also add AVERAGE or something similar to indicate fluctuating prices by season, availability...