Am I breaking a record here?

Level 2
Fish Creek, Australia

Am I breaking a record here?

90 days without a response from Airbnb support.

15 months without receiving payout for a completed stay.


Has anyone had a payout for a completed stay remain in the Payouts Pending for months?

I had a guest stay April 2019 last year, I only noticed in June 2020 that the payout was never made to me and it remains in Payouts Pending. I contacted Airbnb support and received an initial response that someone ‘who can better assist will get in touch with shortly’, but since then......silence!   I have tried initiating a seperate support thread, but it is always merged with the original support thread. 

Love to hear from anyone who has had a similar experience.




1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


That could be a record !

I have one pending payout from March, on CS-ticket no reply received for a about a month now....also not after "knocking on the door".. But now i read in your post i should  not complain, it can be much worse !


I also noticed with most recent payouts the useal message " we sent you a payout" is not received.

But in Transaction History the payouts are "processing" and it looks they are on their way to the right bankaccount...


best regards,
