Between sharing and separate unity question

Level 1
California, United States

Between sharing and separate unity question

Can someone explain something to me regarding the problem we are facing in relation to the corona virus; The way I look at it is that from now on, We the hosts who have our house to share and live there and have private rooms for our guests, we will have fewer opportunities than others who have a separate unit?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Elena968  Yes, that is true, obviously. Sharing a house with outsiders is dangerous to our health at this time. If it's any consolation, there are thousands of us in the same boat. I haven't hosted since early March, lost almost my entire high season, and am not even considering accepting bookings until the virus threat is past. Time to come up with alternate forms of income if the Airbnb was income you relied on to make ends meet.

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

Sharing your home is not necessarily dangerous @Elena968 . If you normally socialize with guests, well, you might like to think of just welcoming them from a 'social distance' & keeping 2 meters apart at all times...... Sure, there is slightly more risk than making yourself a prisoner in your own home, but all of life is dangerous; we've got to live it!


I've hosted a few essential workers - on different days - during this crisis; the only hosting permisable by our government in the UK. All these workers said they felt safe in my house, as we barely saw each other. Once we UK hosts are allowed to host holiday & leisure travel again from 4 July, I'll just let ONE room, so guests don't have to mix with other guests. And because our government says only TWO households may be indoors together.


I guess whether you host depends on your State's rules, your personal health, & factors such as how far apart it's possible to be in your house....


Yes, some guests will not want a homeshare, they will consider it too risky. So you may have fewer opportunities to host than an 'entire place' listing... But I expect some guests would still want to stay with you.... if the experience of those workers who've stayed with me is anything to go by...


500,000 Brits descended on Bournemouth beach yesterday! - Probably safer in a private house, just host & guest! 🙂

Level 1
California, United States

Thank you very much for your comments, that will help me make a plan such as dividing units in my own house and being able to receive hosts as before.