Brand new listing delisted

Level 2
Dewsbury, United Kingdom

Brand new listing delisted

I am a host with 18 reviews that are 4.81 overall. No negative reviews. I recently spent a lot of money on a new property. The rent generated from my listing pays for my bills. Yesterday I woke up to see my property had been delisted. No notifications, no information. I rung air bnb 6 times yesterday for answers they just informed me a safety issue was being investigated and someone would could call me straight back. It has since been 24 hours - silence.


My guests who were a lovely family, and checked out yesterday told me that there was a fight on the main road yesterday at 6 am outside of the property. They took video and pictures and shared this with me. My guests were ** and these people carrying on outside clearly drunk were**. That’s the only thing I can think of.


it has been 24 hours and whilst every customer support service rep told me someone would call me or email me immediately- silence.


Just my property delisted with all my plans, hopes and aspirations that this venture would bring. Devastated isn’t even the word. @Airbnb 

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10 Replies 10
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Farhana13 your listing appears to be available (or did you have 2?)

Sadly with Airbnb's suspend first investigate later policy if you are running a business you should list on other platforms so you are not entirely reliant on Airbnb.

I am already listed on other platforms except most custom is generated through air bnb. 

i have two listings. My new listing has been deactivated. 6 times I’ve called customer support, one rep even said put the phone down because the right department is trying to call you right now. Fobbed off - then silence.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Farhana13 How very weird. Suspended listings are usually greyed out but yours is gone entirely. I wonder if it was deleted by mistake. Have you gone to your hosting page, then insights and then listing issues to see what it says?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Farhana13 ,


As @Mike-And-Jane0 mentioned, suspended listings remain on the profile but are usually greyed out.


While you cross-check further, I will also reach out to the concerned team to share about it. If the listing is suspended, the team will reach out to you soon to share further updates.

Meanwhile, you may also have a read about reasons why a listing can be suspended and how the appeal process works!



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 2
Dewsbury, United Kingdom

I have had mixed messages. One call centre worker told me there is a safety issue which is being investigated. A second one said there is no red flags on my account and tried to delist it then said the relevant department will be in touch!!! Complete madness.

Level 2
Dewsbury, United Kingdom

Relist I meant

Level 2
Dewsbury, United Kingdom

But yep I have tried to relist it by going in to management and updating listing, it just says error - contact air bnb customer support, who are not meaningfully engaging with me all while the property is unlisted.

Hi, we are wondering if you ever got a resolution to this issue.  Recently, we experienced a similar issue with ZERO help from Airbnb and were treated to the Royal Runaround.  Unfortuntely, it appears every customer support rep barely speaks English and is reading from a script with little to no working knowledge of the organization they represent.  With everything outsourced and poorly trained personnel Airbnb communication is the stuff of nightmares.  We are hoping you had some luck!

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Why would you think the ethnic background of your guests or the troublemakers outside your property relevant @Farhana13 


Have a search on this community you will see Airbnb have an appalling policy of suspending listings when guests raise safety complaints 

Level 2
Dewsbury, United Kingdom

My guests didn’t want to be blamed for the incident which took place on the street and just to prove it wasn’t them I mentioned the race. No other reason. They were a nice family who communicated through out and I am concerned some of the neighbours are upset that the house has been converted to an air bnb after they reported noise concern following our first guests which we have addressed through updating rules, vetting guests, introducing quiet hours and putting up cctv / ring door bell to monitor noise and people entering. 

i can definitely access the listing because since they delisted it, I received two 5 star reviews on it.


it’s just awful that no one is communicating with me.