Bonjour , je viens d'obtenir un cdi et j'aimerais porter mon...
Bonjour , je viens d'obtenir un cdi et j'aimerais porter mon argent sur un appartement pour le mettre en airbnb et j'avais qu...
I am hoping that I do not have to open a new account. My accountant suggested it for liability and tax purposes. I would really appreciate any insight or help. Thank you.
Did you end up switching to an LLC @Rich2944 curious if you lost the super host status...
Hi Erika907,
I have not switched yet because I do not want to lose the Superhost status. I have not been able to get a clear answer from AirBnB and that’s why I was reaching out to the community.
@Rich2944 The liability lies with your insurance and tax setup. Speak to your attorney and tax accountant again.
My property is deeded to my LLC. I host under my name on AirBnB. My earnings go to a bank account that is under my name d/b/a the LLC. The property insurance, taxes, utilities, etc. are all under the LLC and billed to the LLC. This ensures the protection you are seeking by putting your business into an LLC.
Hello Lorna170,
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to me. I really appreciate it. I recently had the LLC formed and I’m in the process of switching account names for expenses/bills. I just hope that AirBnB does not give me any issues for changing my taxpayer information.
Thank you again and have a great holiday season.
@Rich2944 wrote:Hello Lorna170,
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to me. I really appreciate it. I recently had the LLC formed and I’m in the process of switching account names for expenses/bills. I just hope that AirBnB does not give me any issues for changing my taxpayer information.
Thank you again and have a great holiday season.
I am still looking to convert to llc like you please give me your opinion