@Karen3172 Your place looks cozy and comfortable.
A bed for 2 people needs a reading lamp on both sides of the bed, so I would put one on that piece of furniture that looks like a fold down desk. Just because people share a bed doesn't mean they have the same sleep habits- sometimes one likes to read in bed, while the other just crashes out. Also handy if someone needs to get up to go to the bathroom at night.
Your kitchen photos are redundant- there are 4 that are all essentially the same. Remove 3. But it looks like you have a seating area outside on a patio, so I would make that look nice and welcoming and have a photo of that. I realize it's winter now, but people might still enjoy sitting outside.
I assume you live in the downstairs. You should mention that in your listing description. Guests need to be informed of the living situation. You can word it something like "This is an owner-occupied property. We live downstairs, so are available should you need any assistance. The suite is self-contained and we fully respect our guests' privacy."
If there are shared areas, like the yard, you should mention that.
I wouldn't advise you to take monthly bookings. That's a long time to put up with someone above you if they prove to be objectionable. New hosts, especially, should start out with shorter bookings while they get the hang of things and get experienced dealiing with guests. 2 weeks is really the max you should set, IMO.