Garden Grove is now illegal to rent short term rentals less than 30 days?

Level 2
Garden Grove, CA

Garden Grove is now illegal to rent short term rentals less than 30 days?

We've been using Airbnb.


This past Saturday we got a notice in the front door of code violations for short term.  "If we do not contact the city they will fin us $1000 per day".  We have left a message.  We were not aware of this new law and we see so many other Airbnb homes in the same city and area.  


What are they doing to be able to keep renting?  We called Airnbnb and so far we are just getting the run around, that the right department will call us back but that we should look for legal advise.  Anyone know what we can do to be able to continue with our short term rental other than being a 30 day minimum?

2 Replies 2

Google short term rentals in Garden Grove CA. All the information is there. Evidentally short term rentals have been illegal in neighborhoods zoned as residential. They are legal in commercial zones. Your city is finally spending money on enforcement of the law due to the increased number of complaints. Since you can be fined $1,000 for each rental, assuming you continue taking in guests, it might be to your advantage to stop renting until you can check out the zoning in your neighborhood. To answer your question,"What are they doing to be able to keep renting?" ... they are breaking the law unless they are not zoned residential.

Level 2
San Pablo, CA

It's unfortunate that the local government stepped in.  A lot of home owners rely on short term rental for extra income or to make mortgage payment.  😞