Guest with minimum information in profile

Level 2
California, United States

Guest with minimum information in profile

Hi, I am a new host and and recently received a reservation (from instant booking) from a guest with a very sketchy profile.


The guest's profile has verified email and phone number by airbnb; but no photo, no verified ID, no detailed location; 6 years on the platform, no review. I have asked if she can finish the profile, but haven't heard back. 


Should I be concerned? Is this a red flag for troubling guest? thanks.

11 Replies 11
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Liping4 the more worrying thing is that the guest is not communicating with you. 

@Liping4  You can change your Instant Book settings to only accept IB's from guests with positive reviews and Verified ID. See also:


Also, the Policies tab of your listing editor allows you to restrict bookings to only guests with a profile photo (though bear in mind, the system won't recognize whether the photo is actually of the guest).


Finally, you can also turn off Instant Book so that you can correspond with prospective guests before deciding whether to accept bookings. This is strongly recommended for new hosts - I see your listing is only about a month old.


I'd recommend taking that information and changing your settings accordingly.  As for this particular guest, it is still possible to cancel their booking without penalty since it was IB, on the basis of being incommunicado. But Airbnb only lets you do this a few times a year, so you don't want to use all of those Get Out Of Jail Free cards on having your settings wrong.

Level 10
Charleston, SC

@Liping4 This isn't unusual for guest to provide a minimum of personal info if host doesn't require it in their booking settings, as many are concerned with the security of their ID with Airbnb. As @Anonymous  mentioned, you can go to IB settings to toggle them on or off. If they don't have a positive review or government ID, they will send a request to book instead. I would also highly recommend requiring a first message from guest. After that its not unusual for guest to take days or weeks to respond to messages. Its unfortunate the Airbnb doesn't do more to ensure guest that their ID info is secure, and expects host to accept guest with completely blank profile.

Level 2
California, United States

@Anonymous @John5097  

 Thanks for the advices! I have turned on the requirements for verified ID and message for IB. I guess I was really caught off guard how detached the guests can be. Naive of me.


On cancelling a guest, is there a time restriction on how soon you must cancel? I read mixed input on Airbnb’s policy and don’t want to accidentally penalized by it. Thanks 

@Liping4  There isn't a time restriction on cancellations, but it's always best to cancel asap if you don't feel comfortable with a booking, it's disrepectful to guests to let them think they have a place booked only to get cancelled close to the check-in date.


And toggle on all the possible IB requirements, including profile photo, prior reviews and recommendations. You need all the layers of protection available to you for instant bookings.


I would strongly advise you to lower your guest count to 6. You have 3 bedrooms and beds for 6. Forget the floor mattresses, air mattresses and any mention of such. It creates an idea in guests' minds of cramming more people in, and before you know it, you'll find 12 or more people in there and a party going on. 

Level 2
California, United States

@Sarah977 make sense. thanks for all the advice!

@Liping4 If you cancel sooner is better, as canceling someone on short notice is more disruptive to guest. 

Also you can cancel guest on your own without contacting CS. Last time I did this a host ambassador instructed me to do it myself. You will have to click on why you are canceling. Some reasons have penalties and some don't. "My place isn't a good fit for guest." doesn't have penalties, so guest will be canceled, the dates will not be blocked off. It will let you know. 

Level 2
California, United States

@Sarah977 , i have one more question on host recommendation for IB. It read for guest with review from other host with "no negative review". this is quite subjective. Does it mean guest with 5star only? thanks.

Level 10
Arkansas, United States


For guests I think “negative review” means less than 3*.

The standards are different for hosts, which is one of the things that really annoys people.


Refusal to communicate is a serious problem and I won’t accept anyone who ignores me.


They may have a reasonable excuse, however, because sometimes the guest doesn’t have notifications enabled.


Now that the guest has booked you have direct contact information and you should use that to ask them to enable notifications from Airbnb.


It is a good idea to communicate via Airbnb so you have evidence in case you need it later. 

Level 2
California, United States

thanks for the input!

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



I ask potential guests to verify certain information, and if I don’t get answers I like I suggest that they cancel the reservation within 24 hours “in order to avoid penalties.”


I want to know who is coming, how many adults, how many children, their ages, and how many animals.


 I ask if this is a special occasion. If it sounds like a party the answer is NO!


If it’s a birthday, anniversary, etc I refer them to a local bakery and offer to pick up the cake for them the day they arrive.


 I remind them that our listing is extremely isolated, they need an appropriate vehicle, and that they may need things such as insect repellent.


 I may mention that extra guests and/or visitors are not allowed.


 You cannot be sure that they read your listing description or rules and if they appear to be ignorant you may have to “remind” them.