HST Still being collected by AirBnB after adding my HST #

Level 2
Toronto, Canada

HST Still being collected by AirBnB after adding my HST #

Hi All, 


I added my HST number to my account. However, AirBnB is still automatically remitting on my behalf. Obviously, this is an issue as our business needs to remit to the CRA and not AirBnB. I've tried to contact support but I keep getting the run around. Has anyone experienced anything like this??

1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hi @Daniel13659


I'm sorry to hear you're running into some issues there- what has customer support advised you to do so far?


I found an article on Airbnb's Resource Centre that might be useful for your reference : Tax collection and remittance by Airbnb in Canada, but I also wanted to mention a few Hosts in Canada in case they have more insights on the matter: @Dave-and-Deb0  @Eunice221 @Lorelei1 @Joanne92 @Denise1869.


Keep us updated please!





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