Has anyone tried AirBnb search engine optimisation (SEO)?

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

Has anyone tried AirBnb search engine optimisation (SEO)?

I was reading around today about AirBnb specific SEO (search engine optimisation) for listing descriptions and wondered whether anyone had put effort into this, with any success?


I thought I might give RankBreeze a try to see whether it works.  We've had a highly successful first season, but it's the peak season and I expect our listing will utterly bomb over Winter / off season (which for us is June to September).  We get a lot of work visitors in our city and, having clawed our way into the work collection, I'm keen to maximise this over winter.  I think working on getting to "Page 1" will help.  We've been in and out of page 1 over summer, but often it's because the regular Page 1 crowd have been booked, so we can do more I think. 


We already know from reading that the key things that impact AirBnb SEO mechanics are pricing, great reviews, regular host interaction with calendar, no cancellations, facebook/ twitter mentions, completing every listing section, turning on instant book, great photography, narrated photographs... all those things.  But the listing description itself is where we haven't optimised, which really requires work, i.e. like keyword density analysis vs. our local competitors who consistently appear on Page 1.


I'm a big fan of SEO, so I suppose I have a scientific curiosity for it.... that said, SEO is no supplement for great hospitality! So it's less of a priority in that sense.


Keen to hear if people have done this for their listing description and what has worked for you.




~ Ben

16 Replies 16
Level 10
Toronto, Canada


Hi Ben, great info. What do you think about the cancellation policy having an effect? I noticed my listings that had a strict policy vs my listings that had a moderate policy ranked lower. i.e. a more relaxed cancellation policy ranked higher but not sure if this was attributed to that. It was the only major difference I noticed between my listings


Also, another way to boost is to mark the nearest day in your calendar low with the proceeding days higher.


Any thoughts to the above?

Level 10
Key West, FL

Following this feed...interesting