Hello @Ed409 !
I understand that you are a UK resident with a property in the EU and are wondering how to deal with the new Airbnb rules on tax. If you earn income from hosting on Airbnb, you may be required to pay taxes on that income in both your country of residence and the country where your property is located.
According to Airbnb, UK hosts can receive a £1,000 tax-free allowance on income earned from hosting. However, you cannot claim both the £1,000 tax-free allowance and Rent-a-Room relief on the same income. If your income is more than £85,000, you’ll need to register for VAT.
Regarding your specific situation, it’s best to check with a qualified advisor or the UK government as circumstances may vary. It’s also important to note that there are dual tax treaties with all countries in the EU, so you should be fine. However, it’s recommended that you find an accountant who is well-versed with EU property income.
I hope this clear things out!