Help with adding Mexican RFC to Listing?

Help with adding Mexican RFC to Listing?

Hi all.  I have a few listings in the US and I'm trying to add a listing in Mexico.  I have a CURP and an RFC and I'm trying to add the RFC to my account and cannot.  I have message Airbnb CS and they told me to do the following:


To update RFC, follow the steps below:
1. Go to your Account > Taxes
2. Scroll to your Taxpayer information section
3. Select Add tax info
4. Select Another country/region
5. Add your RFC for Mexico


When I select "Another country/region", I get this message and can do nothing: "Tax info is not available for your country
We’ll let you know when this feature becomes available in the country where you host. Learn more about supported countries."


I have tried the website, the ios app, the android app, and both and  CS has not responded since I told them that the step above were not working.  Anyone been able to find a fix?

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