Host platform message system limiting communication.

Host platform message system limiting communication.


I discovered today that a change to the text communication system is limiting characters to 3000.


I am at a loss as to why Airbnb would make a change to limit communication between host and guests.


I spoke to a Super host support person who said there was a change made to the platform, and suggested that I send several separate communications to convey the information package that I used to send in one message. This is ridiculous and just creates extra work in sending the package and fielding questions later when the guest doesn't have a reference to full details and policy.


I do have a very detailed Welcome package that has information that reflects questions that have been fielded over the years. The Welcome package will not send in current form and the other solution suggested by the support person was to pair the information down or send in several separate emails.


Is anyone else having this problem?  Any suggestions be appreciated.


Here is the message that I sent to Airbnb Support staff in the hope that they will allow unlimited communication between host and guests.


 Your organization's arbitrary change to the most important part of the communicative interaction between host and guests was altered to limit welcome package detail with a text character limit in the message system. This is a ridiculous change from a host user's perspective. Your service advisor suggested sending several communications to complete the transmission of the welcome package to the guest. This is an unacceptable work around for a problem created with no consideration of a host business acumen.

This wastes time and the optics from a guest's perspective will seem as amateurish at best.

Details, policies, expectations and property bylaws all need to be communicated to ensure guests have a successful stay and are aware of property details.  Guests will inundate with questions and it is unfair to both guests and hosts to limit communication in the communication system. The change to limit the message system to 3,000 words negatively affects a successful hosting operation. Please remove the word limit from my message platform.  Thank you and please ensure management sees this information. 

20 Replies 20
Level 1
Western Australia, Australia

Agree! This is a terrible change! 

Level 1
Key Colony Beach, FL

Many hosts like me use lengthy confirmation messages to highlight all the wonderful activities, events and opportunities there are nearby to our listings.  At least once a week I have a guest ask to add more dates to their new reservation after reading my message.  THIS is the power of a host actually understanding their unique business over anything that tech guys at Airbnb could ever know.  Limitations like this are not planned very well and do not seem to have any purpose.  Plus they are usually rolled out without any warning. 


The biggest problem is that once identified, a tech issue can only be reported to a "support ambassador".  These folks have no understanding of what is happening in the tech department.  Nor do they have an understanding of how the Airbnb software is actually used by hosts.  Overall, it's just a terrible way to treat hosts - the people who are the backbone of Airbnb revenue

Hi Friends

I just got off the phone with support.

This is a new feature

Go to messages

Click on the 3 line filter

Quick Replies

Here you can add the House manual as many characters as needed and schedule when you want it sent to your guests.


The same thing happened to me today! I tried to send a message with my usual guidebook and recommendations (I always ask guests if they would like me to send it, most do) and it wouldn't send. I had to chop it into pieces and send, which is not ideal.. I too am one of the highest rated host in my area with a perfect 5. Airbnb customer service was extremely unhelpful and disparaging, which is also quite unusual. I've always had pleasant folks on the "superhost" line.

Level 3
Mazunte, Mexico

I have the exact same issue! The limit just makes me cut my communications that worked for my own situation. So frustrating!

I just discovered the same issue and completely agree, so frustrating!  I used to use the email aliases and would attach the Welcome Letter, condo info, property bylaws, etc..  It looked so much more professional with our condo’s logo and appropriate formatting and when they got rid of that it was challenging to pare down to the most important information with the guests missing out on so much more. Now with limiting the characters to 3000 and having to send multiple messages it’s only going to make it  harder for owners and I don’t think guests appreciate the multiple messages either. What I don’t understand is why Airbnb keeps making communication more difficult?