Hosting a property that I don't own.

Hosting a property that I don't own.


I have got an offer to host a property from a person who has been in business for nearly 10 years, they want me to host a property that they own as they don't have the time for it.

What are the risks, if any with this? 

Would 15% share per booking be a good price to start with?

Let me know if there are anything else I need to ask the owner before I get started.



1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kirthana0 As long as you have a clear understanding of the who is liable for damages and who is responsible for insurance then you should be fine. 15% seems very low to me if the host is effectively capitalising the listing. I would work out what it would cost to rent the building and then take that as a starting point. Again who takes the risk of bookings is key - If the host gets paid the rental fee no matter how many bookings you get then just the rent might be legitimate. If however you expect the host to shoulder the risk of not getting any bookings then a figure higher than the rental figure would be fairer.