For the past 4 years, any withholding/sales/excise taxes + a...
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For the past 4 years, any withholding/sales/excise taxes + adjustment/resolution center claims that were collected from the g...
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Hi, I'm in UK and would like to know how other hosts feel about this scandalous time it takes for Airbnb payments to be received by us. Last year it was within 24hrs of check in but now Airbnb have changed their bank seemingly to one in Ireland it's taking much longer. I'm on my third two-night stay and haven't yet been paid for the first although I've received emails to say payment has been sent. What are they using? Carrier pigeons?? In this day and age there is no excuse for this (even with bank holidays etc) and it's appalling that Airbnb are holding onto our money...yes OUR money for so long. If someone from Airbnb reads this then please send my frustrations onto whoever. I for one am not going to be treated so ashamedly
I am in the Netherlands and i was in former days payed by Airbnb UK (London), but payments are now transferred from Luxembourg. I do not experience such delays as you mention, so it seems issue must be related to the Ireland route and not to Airbnb holding onto the money.
Yes, we receive payment from Luxembourg, and it's usually in the account within 24 hours of receiving the email they send when the payment is processed.
It is so reliable, that I can almost set my watch by what time the payment email arrives, and when the payment arrives in the bank.
Did you notice if the change was due to the delay between the date when Airbnb send the paiement and when the amount is on your bank account or if Airbnb send it later than 24 hours after arrival.
If it is the 1st case, it may be due to the fact that now UK is out of the EU and treated as a foreign country just like Brazil and Cambodia.
You can try Paypal to improve the delay of paiement.
If it is the 2nd case, Airbnb keep the money a little longer in the pocket.
Airbnb still send the 24hr email as usual but why have they chosen to deal with a bank then run by Fred Flintstone?? It's absurd the length of time taken to transfer
Airbnb Europe is in Ireland (for tax reasons).
Airbnb paiement used to be in UK (London).
I guess now UK left the European Union, there is no interest to trade from UK because Airbnb paiement is in charge to pay all European hosts.
Hi @Adrian2248
@Nathalie-Et-Gilles0 has point out correctly.
You can try PayPal instead of bank transfers to receive the Airbnb payment.
I have been going the Paypal route. It always appears the day after check-in and it transferred from there to show up in my bank account by midnights. No fees. No problem.
Nevertheless, I’m uncertain the reason of delayed via bank transfers .
As recently my UK guest ( also an Airbnb host ) mentioned that, he can only do bank transfer and it takes 4 days to see money.
You are right @Dale711
The European Union imposes, by law, to banks, a delay of 24 hours maximum to transfer the money.
Banks were upset about this short delay because they used to ‘hold’ the money for a few days to invest it on markets.
It was a big improvement for bank clients.
Not sure the British people had this advantage as they used to say ‘no’ to almost every idea coming from Europe.
Hiya @Adrian2248 ,
Could you let me know how long the payout is now outstanding for you? You can DM me if you prefer.
@Adrian2248 hard to comment as a UK host as you haven't said how much longer it is now taking.
I think for me it now takes two or three days from the check in date, which I don't consider a long time.
How long is it taking for your payments to come through?
6 days so far ....😡🤬
Glad you are still able to host and have guests who meet our Covid restrictions. @Adrian2248
6 days definitely sounds long to receive your payment.
Perhaps contact them on social media if they aren't responding when you phone.
I have been sending them are absolutely correct..they are leveraging our money...I stopped hosti g for awhile and came back's been seven days since my guests arrived and zero payment..personally I think the best thing to do is go on the Airbnb Facebook page and just keep maki g comments on the open pages...they sent me an email on the 25 saying the money would be in the account by the 31 st..guests are payment
I have the same problem no payment and guests now gone. I have spent hours on the phone all say that I have been paid but bank says not. What can I do. Help
Hi can you connect me to Stephanie a community manager please. I am having same pronlem