I am interested in putting one of my properties on Airbnb. H...
I am interested in putting one of my properties on Airbnb. However, this property is in Athens, Greece and I am not living in...
We have been hosting for two years now and have been doing ok with our pictures. We found this website http://do360now.com that does virtual tours for real estate. Here's a Sample of 360 Virtual Tour for showing the properties
The way it works is that they come and shoot pictures with a 360 camera and then they provide a link similar to what I have on the top where you can add to your listings or website.
We can't seem to be able to add this link to our pictures or to our discription. Does anybody know how we could add 360 Virtual Tour to our listing?
Thank you indvacned,
Answered! Go to Top Answer
Create a QR code with the 360 virtual tour hyperlink and add it to your photos on Airbnb 🙂
We can do virtual tours with Matterport or other technologies for your holiday properties if you are in Queensland, Australia. It should improve your bookings and showcase your property in the best way. However as far as I know AirBnb does not allow them yet. I guess it is because too many hosts are trying to cheat AirBnb and make sales outside of AirBnb.
If they are pushed and find some solution to avoid it I am sure they will be more than happy to allow them.
I have made a post on their page offering them a solution. Please come and support it. https://www.facebook.com/AirbnbAustralia/posts/1871274059683553
Meanwhile we can offer to do a tour for your property and submit it to Google Maps as a street view or used for advertising your property on Facebook.
Please note it is allowed by Google only if your property is registered as a place for business. If it is a private residential one Google does not allow it. For Facebook advertising it does not matter at all.
If you are interested in a virtual tour for your property or business please contact Wingman Media through the following page https://www.wingmanmedia.com.au/contact
I provide Matterport service in South Florida for only $15 /mo. Photography and setup fee is $50, then starting the following month it's only $15 /month to keep your Airbnb Matterport virtual tour hosted online. As Bruno suggested above, I can provide you a QR Code picture you can include in your Airbnb photo gallery which will direct potential customers to your virtual tour. Please confirm that approach doesn't violate any Airbnb policies. AccuMap Models. Kelvin.
Hi Kelvin,
I understand hosts cannot include a external link to the VT in the property description… (bad policy).
have you figured out whether the QR PICTURE goes alright?… tks!
Hi Frank, sorry for the late reply. As long as there's another phone to scan the QR code and access the virtual, it'll work. But if there's only one user with one phone looking through the photos, they won't be able to scan the QR code from that same phone.
@Kelvin106 , we are looking for professional photographer with Matterport experience in Florida. Please, le me know if you want to discuss off-line
Hi Alexander, sure thing. Please send me an email to: AccuMapModels @gmail.com (no gap) with your info and we can go over it.
This person in Calgary does a great job at explaining how to include a Matterport virtual tour in your Airbnb listing: https://www.virtualtourcalgary.com/post/virtual-tours-for-airbnb