We own a house next to and air b and b and they have outside...
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We own a house next to and air b and b and they have outside seating area gazebo right on property line. Loud noise at midnig...
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While we have detailed information of how to come to our home from the airports, a map is worth a thousand verbal instructions. We have tried to attach a map to messages for our guests, but they cannot receive it. Our only solution so far, which is a bit cumbersome, is to ask them for a private email address & send the map outside of the Airbnb system.
Any better suggestions?
I agree. It is strange. Why can't I send the guest a Pet Addendum or Rental Agreement PRIOR to accepting their rental? I want to know what type of pet, weight, rabies shots, etc... same on Rental Agreement. If they don't sign, then they can't book.
There should be some way to do this????????????
Use the Airbnb App it has the availability to add an attachment.
As far as I can see you can only attach photos, not documents. I want to send three pdf documents.
I agree. I need to attach pictures or documents AFTER the guest is officially booked but Airbnb doesn't allow this. Very dumb on their part.
I think it's crazy that the Airbnb messaging system between host and guest does not have a button for "Attachment". Why can't we attach a document or picture to our message to help explain an issue?
Currently, I have to cut and paste the guest's email address into my email provider's addressee box as that's the only way to add an attachment.
Use the Airbnb APP it has an availability to add attachments!
Totally agree. I have had to copy the Airbnb email address for the guest, paste into my business email address, send the self-access information with photos of the keysafe via this method, then go to the Airbnb guest message and tell them I have sent the self-access information via my business email and I just give them basic codes and information because I can't attach the photos of the key safe!
Very frustrating and a lot more work for the host! It needs addressing.
Use the Airbnb App it has an availability to add attachments.
Hi Boony
I also have issues with not being able to add an attachment. I have got round the map idea though by supplying the web link to Google maps for the address. This way guests can just hit that and the map of the area comes up.
My property is self-access with a keysafe box. I like to show a photo of the closed box, one of the flap slid down with the combination in the middle and then a photo of the keys inside. This has stopped me having heaps of phone calls from guests who think by keying in the combination the door is going to open automatically. Even though I write it in the access email, highlight it, enlarged text, guests don't read the instructions! A picture says a 1,000 words, like you said. I find it very frustrating not being able to add an attachment after the reservation is confirmed and paid for, I totally understand why this can't happen before hand but the software needs an improvement for this to happen.
I am going to write a submission for this to happen.
I have just received an immediate answer back from an Airbnb representative about my query regarding attachments. Use the Airbnb App and you can add attachments. I've checked it out and it works.
Whilst I'm not a lover of the APP I will use it to achieve this outcome until they have tweaked the software.
Hope it helps.
Hi, just a quick update on my part as some time has passed since the topic was created: on the Android App, you cannot attach anything else than pictures. You still can't attach anything to a message from the website. I find this very unpractical and a basic function AirBnB should definitely add...
Yes, it is a basic flaw in the system to be unable to attach PDFs of directions, key safe location and code, etc. I have a cagey guest who will not give me his email address so I am unable to send him the maps and key safe photo-directions we have put together. Not sure how we will resolve this.
I would agree with the other comments, it is extremely fustrasting not to be able to add a pdf file to the messages in airbnb.
For me, I do have to ask for whatsapp or emails to be able to send detailed information about self checkin and directions
@Richard902 Once a guest is booked I use the AirBnB guest email located under the guest profile picture on the reservation to send a PDF of my rental agreement. Then the guest sends it back to me via the AirBnB host email.
how do i find the guest's email address? i tried to drag and drop the PDF document into the message but it looks weird.
@Michelle1661 On the message stream page with the guest, look on the left hand side of the screen, scroll down. You will see "Email" and it has a coded email address Airbnb assigns to the guest. Click on this and your own email account will come up, that coded email address will already be filled in, in the address field, and then you can send the guest an email with attachments, or info in the body of the message. The guest will see this in their regular email account Inbox (or could end up in their Spam box, so make sure to tell them to check there if they don't see it in Inbox, to check their Spam box).
You can also just right click Copy on that coded email address and paste it into the address bar in your normal email account.
I have had problems with guests getting the email, but with the attachments missing. In that case, I ask for their personal email address and send it to them that way.