I have two listings in two different EU states. For tax purposes I need to separate them, so as to enter different VAT numbers. Is this possible? Should I cancel open bookings or what is the solution? On Booking I've entered different VAT number for each listing. Many thanks for your suggestions, Janja
I found this article >> Tax data sharing under DAC7 << I wanted to share that references your situation, so you might have a look and see if that provides the information you're looking for. If you need clarification, this might be one you'd need to ask Airbnb support directly, which you can do here.
I found this article >> Tax data sharing under DAC7 << I wanted to share that references your situation, so you might have a look and see if that provides the information you're looking for. If you need clarification, this might be one you'd need to ask Airbnb support directly, which you can do here.