How to setup a dog / pet fee on airbnb?

Level 1
Empingham, United Kingdom

How to setup a dog / pet fee on airbnb?

Does anyone else has this issue?


We offer the option for our guests to bring up to two well trained house dogs to our cottage.  The charge is £20 / dog.  We usually request that our guests are aware of our charge before their stay - to create some form of written message agreement through the messaging service.


For some reason some of our guests seem to make attempts to avoid paying this charge.  Therefore an additional charge of £20 is normally "forgotten about" when the request is made.


As dog lovers ourselves, we enjoy having dogs stay at the our cottage.  However, we do need to money to account for the additional cleaning service after dog guests stay, there is chance we may have to stop dogs from staying though.


Does anyone else experience the same issue?  Also, is there a better way to request the money or is via airbnb additional charge a good channel to request additional pet fees?


Thanks in advance.

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Add in your house rules what your charges are. And send a request through the Resolution Centre for payment. @Steve-and-Hanri0 

Level 2
Delray Beach, FL

How do we add dog fees so that its on the original payment?

@Brian1731 You can't. Hosts have been asking for this for years, but Airbnb has chosen to ignore it. The only way is to either send a request for money after the guest books, or to build the charge into your pricing.